Chapter 24

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Eddie sat back on his heels, thoroughly impressed with his work. Crossing his bloody arms over his chest, he took a moment to look over the body in front of him, the lifeless carcass that had been struggling with him only moments before. Never before had he felt such exhilaration from a kill, such jubilee from finishing his work. This one had been hard, he had to admit that. She had run, she had hid, she had fought back. But she was worth it. She was worth every scratch, every bite, every bruise that she had caused for in the end Eddie had known that he had truly won. Her mangled body lay sprawled out in front of him, her legs cast wide apart and her head hung dangerously far to one side. The pool of blood that formed around her body was smeared and cast off from his attack had made its way onto the ceiling and walls, painting the small hallway of the house a delicious red. He had been truly able to take his time with this one, plan out his attack down to the very last detail and carry it out almost perfectly.

Almost perfectly, his drive reminded him. Eddie snickered and shook his head in agreement. The woman had put a massive kink in his plans during his previous attack, but this time he had been able to exact his revenge just the way he wanted to-slowly. He had been in the house for over an hour now and although he had been enjoying himself as never before, the clock seemed to tick by slowly, allowing him to savor each and every time their skin touched. He’d had the time to really appreciate the way her skin resisted the tip of his blade and then finally gave in, snapping as he applied just enough pressure to plunge his blade into her body over and over again.

A low groan from the crumbled mess in the corner distracted him and Eddie looked towards the body slumped against the wall. Sighing softly, Eddie got to his feet and moved towards the woman, standing above her for a moment before sinking to his knees once again, kneeling in front of her. With her arms bound above her head, the woman struggled slightly, twisting her arms back and forth, the confusion of her unconsciousness still clouding her brain. Eddie chuckled and ran his eyes down her body, across her blemish free skin. This woman was nothing like the dead body across the room. She was rounder, less toned, and her skin was almost completely untouched by the skin, allowing the bluish tint of her bruises to already begin to show. With a bloody hand, Eddie reached to her, his finger tracing over the blue mark that marred her neck, smearing blood across her skin as he moved. The woman jolted awake and immediately screamed, but Eddie clamped his hand down her mouth.

“Shhh.” He told the woman, his voice nothing more than a whisper. This only made her cry out louder and he forced his other hand on her mouth, clamping down harder. Tears rolled down over his hands as fear took over the woman’s body. “I won’t kill you.”

That was the truth. While she was tied up and bloodied, she would survive his attack on her for she was not his victim. She would not be his last victim; no, he already had her in his sights. She had been the one to lead him to this victim, to her new hiding place. A snarky smile crept across Eddie’s face as he remember the realization that had dawned on him while he laid in wait outside of this hospital; the realization that while he had been stalking his last victim, she had led him right back to the victim he had left behind, the woman who had gotten away. Fear, then shame, then enlightenment flooded his body as he watched this victim exit the hospital and he knew immediately that his last victim could wait. He needed to finish this one first.

Of course, he could never tell that to this woman. He could not risk exposing his plan for the perfect brunette that waited for him, that would be his last masterpiece. And as much as he wanted to scream his plans from the roof tops, he kept his mouth shut, smiling down at the woman that was trapped between his legs. He slowly inched his legs forward until he sat almost directly on top of her abdomen and then released his hands from her mouth, allowing her to breathe deeply. When she did not scream, Eddie chuckled softly and moved his hands to her face, cradling her cheeks in his palms.

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