Chapter 5

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            As their plane touched down in Virginia, Cassidy was jolted from a light sleep. She sat up and leaned over Derrick to peer out the window. It was six o’clock at night and she couldn’t see a thing. She leaned back and shook Derrick, waking him up.

            “You reserved a car for us, right?” She asked him, afraid of his answer. She knew that he had reserved a domestic car and was slightly disgusted at it. Years of being pampered by Marcus had made her somewhat of a car snob.

            “Yeah, like I told you before, there’s a car waiting for us, ok? Don’t worry.” He was agitated. He hated flying and he hated being in a city that he didn’t know. “Don’t worry; it’s not a Ford.” He looked over at her and smiled. He had been tempted to reserve a base Taurus just to see the look on her face, but had resisted and had gone with a Chevrolet Suburban instead. They would need the extra cargo space if they had to carry case files or equipment.

            “I still don’t understand why all rental cars are domestic. That’s crap.”

            “Quit complaining and get off the plane. I can’t sit anymore.” He gave her a push as she stood up and grinned at her as she glared back at him.

*       *      *

            When they checked into the hotel, they were greeted by a lobby and bar full of police officers from all over the country. There were only forty officers total participating in the course, but they had managed to completely take over the small hotel. She turned her back on Derrick as he slipped the counter attendant a fifty dollar bill and asked to be upgraded to two rooms that were a couple floors away from everyone else.

            “Would you like a king bed, Sir, or two queens?” The young female attendant asked him, glancing behind him at Cassidy.

            “King, please.” Derrick leaned forward a little and glanced down at the attendant, getting a full view of the blonde’s chest. She looked up and caught his glance. “Do you think that you could manage two adjoining rooms?”

            “I’m sure that can be managed.” She smiled back him, taking in by his charms

He simply winked at her and took their room keys, walking off.

            “I don’t even want to know,” Cassidy told him as they entered the elevator.

            “What? She was cute.” He defended himself.

            “And probably underage.” She pushed the six button and the elevator began its rise. It never bothered her when he looked at other women, or when other women looked at him. Their glances and stares just let her know that she wasn’t the only one that found him to be incredibly attractive. 

            Derrick inserted the key into the door and held it open for Cassidy. The room was cold and smelled of stale air. She dropped her bags on the floor and moved toward the air unit, turning the air to seventy-two instead of the sixty-eight that it was at.

            “Why are these places always so cold?” She complained. Derrick was already exhausted and her whining only aggravated him more.

            “For one night could you not complain? Would that be possible?” He asked her.

            “Ok, John,” she muttered, a smile on her face. Derrick chuckled and fell onto the bed, a loud sigh escaping from him. “I’m hungry. Let’s get something to eat.” She plopped down on the bed beside him.

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