: oof :

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well, that was a long unexpected turn of events.

oh, uh, HI THERE!! i'm fricking back y'all and back to rp! my junior year was a butthole to me so if you are cool with me ranting about how this was probably one of the not so great school years i've had emotionally, dm me or comment down below! school and romantic relationships were the main reasons i left so, whoop. emotional trauma, fun. ;-; 

ANYWAYS! i tagged everyone i could that i rp-ed with or comment on the acceptance page (which i am gonna do.. eventually). if you rp-ed with me before my obscenely long hiatus, KEEP READING ! if not, i will accpet your rp, or character or whatev's! 

SOOO.. if you did rp with me, pls decide very soon if you want to continue the rp or not. you are gonna have to basically explain what happened in the rp, if you do want to continue. if you don't want to, then thats cool! we can just start over and do a new rp. fresh start. 

thats about it.. again.. REALLY sorry and welcome me back, bleaches!!! 

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