E.N.D 7 E.N.D

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(If you guys know what E.N.D stands for YOU HAVE EARNED A FOLLOW! *P.S.: It's from an anime)

"So babe. What's the news?" Ban asked.

"Eh. Nothin really. Just the usual." I said, trying my best not to be honest.

Ban looked at me skeptically and sighed.

"Alright then. I'm goin to bed now. *yawn* I've had such of a hard day.

"Doing what? Drinking your life away?" I asked sarcastiacally.

"Yes." Ban said and walked inside the house.

He was suddenly greeted with an ecstatic and loud welcome from our triplets.

"WELCOME HOME DAD!" They all screamed in unison.

"Woah. What's this? An ambush?!" Ban asked.

"Yeah! You're a bad guy and we are the three deadly sins! I'm the coolest sin ever..."

"The Sin of Greed?" Ban asked.

"No! The Sin of Sloth! It's awesome!" My little White haired triplet said.

"No, the Sin of Wrath is the coolest!" H/c triplet said.

"Nuh uh, The Sin of Honesty is the absolute coolest! Hands down!" Half white and half h/c triplet said. She was the only girl among the triplets(Or he was the only boy if you want two girls). She was a sassy little one(Or he). Sassier than me might I add.

I gave her/him a shirt that said, "To-Do list:
1. Be Sassy
Hah! That's Everyday!"

(Or if it's for a boy it says,"
To-Do List:
1. Be Sarcastic
Hah! That's Everday Bro!")

She/he wears it anytime she/he gets.

Ban looked hurt as they all said every sin but his was cool.

"Well I thing the Sin of Greed is the most hardcore. He's totally awesome. He's freakin immortal for crying out loud. Yeah so is the Sin of Honesty but seriously, Sin of Greed, most hardcore, hands down, mouths shut, I rest my case." I heard from behind me. It was my oldest son/daughter.

"Yay! There's somone out there who votes for me!" Ban smiled and hugged our oldest.

The triplets pouted and looked away.

I hugged them all and chuckled.

"Don't worry about him. He's just jealous you guys like the other sins." I whispered.

"Oh we like Daddy too, but the other sins are super cool too!" White hair said.

(I Don't know wtf you guys wanna name your children. So imma address them as white hair, h/c hair, and half and half.)(Icy hot! XD)

"Anyways, who wants dinner?" I asked.

"MEEEEEEE!!" They all shouted.

Everyone rushed to the table and waited happily. I served them the food and smiled.

They all began to dig in and when it touched their mouths:

"Meliodas was just so kind to cook a tasty meal for us!" I smiled mischievously.

They all spit the food out and I gave them the actual food.

"I'm joking I'm joking. Here's the non-Meliodas food. I cooked it." I smiled.

The E.N.D

YEAH BOI! I'M FINISHED WITH ANOTHER BOOK! I'M COMING OUT WITH ANOTHER 5 BOOKS THAT ARE STILL IN DRAFT! Don't worry, I won't introduce them just yet. I have a lot of other books to get finished with and then once all of them are complete, I'm taking requests and stuff, and yatta yatta yatta. They all should be done, hopefully before school starts again. So you guys can read without any bedtimes, but I'm sure you'll read when it's 3 in the morning and you have school that morning. But anyways, thank you for reading this book, sorry about any spelling errors, I type fast and I don't look at the screen cause I think auto correct is gonna help out but it was like, "Fuc dis." And left me hangin. So I'll try to find some time to read through this and fix any grammatical errors. And stuff. So happy troubles! Bye! 👋

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