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From the title you should know what's about to happen! Here's a good 'ole flashback.
"Piss off." Y/n muttered and went to change out of her uniform.

"No, I prefer you stay in that." Ban said.

Y/n sighed and groaned internally as she didn't want to stay in this damned outfit. It's more like a swimming suit from how fucking short and showy it is.

Y/n slowly walked up the stairs and to the room she and Ban had shared. She opened the door and looked around. Everything was exactly the same way they had left it. Well the bed was much neater and the floor was a lot more clean than usual. Y/n walked around and smiled at the weird memories that flashed in her head.

"Y/N WHY DID YOU TELL CAPTAIN THAT I STOLE HIS ROOM!?" Ban asked as he rolled up in the covers like a burrito.

Y/n sighed, he's drunk again.

"You're gonna have a really bad hangover when you wake up in the morning." She said, while unwrapping him.

"NO! The burrito is now a taco!" Ban slurred.

Y/n sighed again and chuckled a bit.

"Go to sleep you idiot." She said while laying him down once the cover was off of him.

He laid down and gave her a weary smirk.

"Co- come here with me *hic* Y/n~" Ban said.

"No. Go to slee- AH!" She said but was pulled down on Ban. Y/n landed on his chest and he gave her another smirk.

"Nighty night Y/n." Ban said and hiccuped a few more times and finally went to sleep. Y/n sighed and decided to go to sleep as well.

The next day was full of confusion and lots of jumping to conclusions.

Y/n then felt a presence come in the room.

"This room's full of memories huh?" Ban asked.

"Sure is. What'd you need anyway?" Y/n asked, jumping right to the conclusion.

"Well. As many memories we've had in this room, I thought we could make at least one more before we depart from the other sins again." Ban said.

"And what memory would that be?" She asked.

"Since I'm your mate, I thought that we could make a memory where we mark each other as ours for the first time. In this very room." Ban said.

My eyes had widened. He wanted to do this now? I mean I can't control myself for any longer now, but he wants to do this NOW! While Meliodas and the others are downstairs. Where they are capable of hearing us-

Fuck it all. Just do it. Stop being a damn scaredy cat.

What if I don't want to?


Ah...fuck it.
(Third Person P.O.V)

Ban looked into Y/n's beautiful e/c eyes and leaned in. He placed his soft lips onto her own and kissed her gently but firmly.

Y/n snaked her arms around his neck deepening the kiss further. Ban licked her bottom lip, kindly asking for permission.

Y/n only chuckled internally and denied his request. Ban then smirked as he pulled away from the kiss, which made Y/n tilt her head in confusion.

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