Chapter 2

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The next morning, Steven rose alongside the sun: bright and early. Snarfing down a waffle, he bolted out the house and toward the ship. The three gems trailed after him. Steven took no time to hop in the ship and launch into the air, the running start bathing Beach City in ocean water.

"I really hope I didn't destroy anything," Steven muttered. It took a few hours but eventually, the ringed planet of Homeworld faded into view. Steven very unceremoniously plopped the ship down onto the docking bay. Pushing the door open, he was greeted by a familiar figure looming over him.

"Blue!" Steven exclaimed.

"Steven, there you are!" She gestured swiftly with her hand. "Hurry, we're starting soon." Steven nodded, bolting after her to no avail. He lagged behind what felt like miles until Blue finally stopped before another giant door. Seriously, how do normal gems get around some of these places? Blue pushed the door open, revealing the familiar, once again giant room. However, something was different. Instead of three thrones, there were four, the new one tiny and bathed in a stream of pink.

"Is that one...mine?"

Blue turned to the throne. "Yes. It was made recently. Surprise!"

"Thanks, Blue." Steven looked around. The courtroom was empty other than Steven, Blue Diamond, and Blue Pearl, who was seated just by Blue Diamond's throne behind a mountain of art supplies. "Where is everyone else?"

"Yellow and White will be here any second," Blue Diamond replied.

"What about Morganite?"

"She's with the defense attorney preparing her case," she explained. "Don't worry. They'll be given more time than...Then you were." Both of them avoided each other's gazes. Before either could say a word, the door opened again, revealing Yellow and White Diamond. "Oh, there they are." Blue sighed in relief.

"Are we ready to start?" White asked.

"Almost," Blue replied. "I'll check in with the defense and prosecution and see if they're ready." The four exchanged nods before going separate ways. Steven hopped toward his throne. It was one of the only seats in the whole room that wasn't giant. Yellow and White sat in their thrones as well. Seconds later, a door opened from across the room and in walked Blue Diamond with two Zircons and Morganite. Blue Diamond took her seat as the other gems made their way to the middle of the room. Everyone looked at White.

"What?" White asked, her eyes wide.

"Aren't you..." Blue hesitated. "Aren't you going to open?"

"Oh!" White stood up, her fingers entwined. "We are all gathered here to decide the fate of Morganite, a gem who has threatened to end the leadership of us diamonds through possible violent means. Now, the prosecution may speak." She sat back down, sighing in relief.

The prosecuting Zircon stepped forward. "My diamonds, some may consider this Morganite's crime to be small and not worth going on trial for, but I beg to differ. Threatening to end your leadership of Homeworld is outright begging to be shattered. It is an act of treason and should be treated as such. Even if, in a hypothetical scenario that is, your leadership weren't perfect, threatening to end your leadership can only mean Morganite intends to cause you harm. It is an act of violence, and must be prevented through whatever means necessary."

"Thank you, Zircon," White Diamond replied. "Now, the defense may speak." The defense Zircon stepped forward. Morganite stood still, a scowl enveloping her features.

"My diamonds, I speak in defense of a rebel, or should I say a supposed rebel. Since no crime has been committed yet, it wouldn't be fair to indict her. We don't know what she will do if she'll even do anything. We should have all the information we can before taking action." The diamonds exchanged glances, muttering and nodding slightly.

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