Part three

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When Zayn woke up he was still laying in the same position he fell asleep in on his sofa. He quickly got up running a hand through his messy hair and started rubbing the back of his neck before remembering what Nick had done the night before and quickly stopped due to the pain. He walked over to the small mirror on the wall and examined his neck and face. His face was fine as he only had a small red mark by his eye from the slap he had received but his neck was lined with yellow blue and purple bruises. Zayn sighed and lit up a joint slowly dragging on it. He sat on his window sill and looked out at the busy streets below him. Suddenly his phone started to vibrate in his pocket. Zayn slowly got his phone out to see Nicks name flashing up on the screen. Zayn sighed again but he knew he had to answer it.
"...hello" Zayn said quietly.
"Zayn, you have another job in a couple of hours, I'll send a car." Nick said bluntly.
"Who?" Zayn replied.
"What?" Nick said.
"Who's the client?" Zayn replied.
"Jason, you remember him?" Nick said impatiently.
A wave of relief washed over Zayn, Jason could be rough but at least he didn't have to risk seeing Harry again.
"Okay I'll be ready." Zayn said down the phone. 
"Good, oh and Zayn don't cover the bruises, Jason will like them" Nick said before hanging up the phone and Zayn could almost picture the smirk on his face. He had a long shower which he spent most of staring at the wall lost in thought. He got out and got ready, putting on tight black jeans and a ripped checkered shirt. He also roughly painted his nails black and put on some messy black eye liner. He knew how Jason liked him. He checked himself in the mirror once more before leaving and saw a stranger staring back at him. Zayn sighed and left the apartment to find a black sleek car waiting for him. He got in and within 15 minutes he was at Jason's house. He knocked once on the door and sighed one more time before the door opened...

Later on that evening Zayn sat at home on his window sill once again, dragging on a large joint. His phone started to vibrate beside him and Zayn snapped, picking up the phone and throwing it hard at the wall. He was sick of the phone calls, of Nick, of clients. He needed to get away for a day or two. He quickly grabbed his jacket and keys and left his apartment. He got into his car and started driving in no particular direction. He just drove. A hours later its was pitch black and. Zayn hadn't realised how late it had gotten. He was driving through a run down town that looked like somewhere you wouldn't walk down dark alleyways on your own. He passed a dingy looking bar and pulled over. He could do with a drink. He got out his car and went towards the entrance where there was two people making out outside. When he entered he was quickly hit with the smell of smoke and alcohol. There were a few table scattered about with various people sitting around. Zayn went straight to the bar and ordered three drinks, two of which he downed and then he took the third one over to a small empty table in the corner of the room. He observed the room for a while until a group of slutty girls caught his eye. They all giggled and pouted when Zayn saw them looking. Zayn smiled to himself and drank his drink. He always was a ladies man. He took a pen out from his jacket pocket and grabbed a napkin of the table. He looked around the room for something to draw, which was one of the many things Zayn liked to do before he met Nick. Lots of things caught his eye, a sweet wrapper in a ashtray, the various bottle of alcohol behind the bar... Zayn saw a small group of people sitting on a table in the corner. Two girls, short skirts, crop tops and heels and two boys, one who was wearing a tight shirt and to be frank looked like a twat and the one next to him, a skinny and shy looking boy who looked uncomfortable as the girl he was with edged closer and closer. He was about Zayn's age and had messy light hair, piercing green eyes and was wearing a baggy jumper with tight jeans. Zayn watched him for a bit, something intrigued him about this boy. Zayn started sketching him on the napkin, occasionally looking up to take in more of his face. 20 minutes went by and Zayn was nearly done with his drawing when he looked up again to see the boy standing in front of him. Zayn jump and grabbed the napkin screwing it up. "Lets see then" The boy said smiling. Zayn felt himself go red. "I-its nothing" Zayn said. "Thats not true, you were clearly drawing me" The boy replied. Zayn felt himself go redder. He slowly passed the crumpled up napkin to the boy who unraveled it and stared at it for a moment. "Can i keep it?" The boy said. "What?" Zayn said caught of guard. "Can i keep the picture?" The boy replied. "Urm, sure..." Zayn said. "Do you smoke?" The boy said putting the napkin in his pocket. Zayn nodded. "May i" The boy said pointing to the chair opposite Zayn. Zayn nodded again. The boy sat down getting out two cigarettes and passing one to Zayn. Zayn took a long drag. "Im sorry if i disturbed you" Zayn said charmingly. "No, you didn't, honestly i needed an excuse to get away from those guys, i don't know them really, i'm on my way to Ipswich and i met Tom" The boy said honestly. "Whats in Ipswich?" Zayn said taking a sip of his drink. "My parents i guess, i left a couple of months ago because they're nightmares and i went to London but iv been living on the streets the last couple of weeks and i can tell you its not fun" Zayn smirked, the boy reminded him so much of himself but different. "Whats your name?" Zayn said. "Niall" The boy said smiling. "Whats your name?" "Zayn" Zayn replied. "Well if you don't mind Zayn i would much rather sit with you then those other people" Niall said and Zayn smiled...

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 03, 2019 ⏰

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