Part two

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Zayn woke up in Nicks bed with Nick quietly sleeping beside him. Zayn normally didn't stay round people's houses, especially clients, but Nick was a exception. Zayn stood up and quietly went over to the mirror to examine his face. Where he had had a red mark on his face was now a bluish, purple bruise. He walked over to his pile of clothes on the chair and put on his boxers and then his jeans. Just as he was putting on his shirt Nick started to wake up.
"Zayn? Where are you going?"
He said sleepily.
"I need to get home Nick"
Zayn said looking at the floor.
"Did I do that to your face?"
Nick asked. Zayn didn't reply.
"Anyway, I have a new worker that I need you to train, similar sob story to you actually, I will send him around tomorrow okay, oh and I have a job for you tonight, I will text you the details."
Nick said also getting out of bed. They both went downstairs and Nick called Zayn a car to come and pick him up. When Zayn got home he changed into tracksuit bottoms and a t-shirt and looked at the time.
He had five and a half hours till he had to get ready. He went over to the windowsill and lit up a big joint. When he was done he was very stoned and went to the sofa. He stared at the tv, not concentrating on what was on it. Next thing Zayn knew his eyes were shutting and he was laying down on the sofa. Zayn snapped his eyes open, the room was dark and Zayn looked over at the clock.
Shit, zayn thought. He quickly had a shower and got changed into black jeans and a black long sleeved jumper. He got in his car and drove to the address that Nick had text him. He pulled up to a big, modern beautiful house. Who ever lived here must be minted, Zayn thought. He walked up to the big oak door and knocked twice. After about a minute of waiting, Zayn heard the door unlock and swing open. Standing in front of him was Harry, with a big smile on his face, a tight pair of jeans and a loose t-shirt.
"I'm sorry, I must have got the wrong address or something"
Zayn said stumbling backwards.
"No, you don't have the wrong address, come in"
Harry said smugly stepping out the way to let Zayn in. Zayn slowly stepped in.
"Harry I don't think-"
Zayn started to say but he was cut of by Harry loudly shutting the door behind him. Zayn mentally sighed, he wasn't allowed to have 'dates' with people he knew and if Nick found out he knew he would be in trouble. Harry led Zayn into his massive living room, it had big black leather sofas and glass tables. Zayn immediately pulled his jumper over his head and started to undo his belt but Harry stepped forward and stopped him by grabbing his arm.
"You do know what my job is right?"
Zayn asked confused.
"Yeah, I pay for to have you for three hours and you have to do what I want, i always get what i want and I want to talk"
Harry replied sternly. Zayn quickly put his jumper back on and joined Harry who had sat on the sofa. They talked for ages and Harry told Zayn all about his life. After he had finished he looked at Zayn.
Harry asked
"So what?"
Zayn said
"Tell me about you?"
"Not much to tell"
"Come on Zayn, I wanna know about your family, friends, how you got into the job you have"
"No friends, no family"
"What about your parents"
Harry asked but Zayn shook his head implying he didn't want to talk about his parents.
"Zayn I have paid to have you and you must do what I say"
Harry insisted. Zayn stood up frustratedly.
"I'm paid to fuck people okay, not sit around talk"
Zayn said raising his voice. Harry stood up so he was face to face with Zayn.
"I have to go"
Zayn said quietly, turning away from Harry.
"If you leave you will regret it"
Harry said plainly but Zayn just opened the front door and left. He drove home getting more and more angry. When he reached the apartment he slammed the door behind him.
Who did Harry think he was. How dare he ask Zayn about his family, what right did he have. Zayn thought. The more he thought of Harry the more angry he got and ended up punching the wall so hard his knuckles started to bleed. He calmed himself down and washed the blood of his hand. Zayn sat on his sofa and lit a cigarette. He took his time and it took him ten minutes to finish it. After he stubbed it out the doorbell rang. Zayn slowly got up confused. He never had guests. He walked over to the door and opened it to find Nick standing there.
"Nick what are you doing here?"
Zayn asked nervously. Nick pushed past him into Zayns apartment.
"Close the door"
Nick said motioning to the door. Zayn pushed it shut and when he turned round he received a sharp slap across the face.
"One of your clients wasn't happy with there date. Can you explain to me why?"
Nick said harshly. Zayn kept his head down.
"I-I he was wasting time, I mean he didn't"
Zayn said but stopped when Nick grabbed him by his neck and pinned him against the wall.
"If I ever get another call from a pissed off client, it will be the last date you ever do"
Nick shouted letting go of Zayn who dropped to the floor gasping for air and opened the door.
"And remember, the clients always right"
Nick said with a sinister smile just before slamming the door shut. Zayn slowly stood up rubbing his neck. He made his way over to the sofa where he sat and took out a joint. He slowly smoked it and took out another one and then another. He laid down on the sofa, curled up in a ball and went to sleep.

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