Asia looked back for a bit and grabbed your hand. You began lifting off, going high above the buildings, the city spread beneath you like an enormous painting, the rest of the people looking like ants as you flew.  Neither of you had been on a plane or flown before, at least not willingly in Asia's case. As such your reactions were pretty similar, both of you watching in awe as the place you spent most of your time in became nothing but a patch of grey in a sea of colours. One day you'd have to go higher and see more, but for now you descended near the occult research club.

You entered the room and passed by Rias, who was playing chess with Akeno. For a moment the temptation to move some pieces as a prank almost became too great. However, Asia stopped you, moving on to the next room.

It took you just one more second to get to Kiba. He was working on his stance, judging by his position, and was dressed in the sports uniform. Luckily the note you had given him was still there, in the pocket of his normal clothes. You placed a spell on it so you could find its location and Asia concealed the paper with another one.

"Are you ready to get back. I'm pretty sure the others are waiting." Asia said.

"I can't help but feel you have a plan."

"I do." Asia replied honestly. "And this actually moved it ahead of what I had planned. But I'm not upset by that."

"The fact you can be so confident in the face of danger is admirable." you playfully mocked her.

"I know there is no danger. You can take Freed and whoever else will come." she said. "After all, you have me." she then continued, trying to sound as serious as possible and failing.

You smiled and gave her a kiss. While she had said that last part as a joke she was correct. You kept your lips pressed against hers while the world moved around you in a blur, until both of you opened your eyes, this time back in your physical bodies.

"Well you were sure getting comfortable. Did you actually do anything or was this an elaborate ruse to nap?" Irina joked.

"Try using your sword if you want to find out." You laughed. "Now for the final piece."

The air around your back seemed to shift for a second and the unmistakable aura of the holy sword returned. You then made another gesture and it was amplified. Now the fallen would be drawn to this like moths to a lightbulb.

"What do we do now?"  Irina asked.

"As long as we are here we can do whatever we want. The spells should warp away most weapons the fallen angels can create and if that fails they can warp their owners." Asia explained.

"That means we can negotiate in peace and it'll also get rid of some of the heavy hitters for us." you finished, retreating to your desk and beginning work on "Merlin's grimoire" again.

Because no spells were giving results you moved to rituals. Half a notebook was filled with different seals and showed signs of the materials used by the time you were done. The list wasn't over, although the next few ingredients were usually only used for... more extreme rituals... like curses. You let out a sigh and circled one. But you decided to hold off on using it until you'd need the book.

"Finally out of options?" Asia asked, causing you to snap out of your thoughts. She had gotten her pyjamas and was looking at the blank pages.

 She had gotten her pyjamas and was looking at the blank pages

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The sorcerer and devils. (Highschool DxD X male sorcerer reader; Vol 1)Where stories live. Discover now