AU: Prologue

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A/N: Explanation for this thing at the end..

A visitor from another place

15 years ago (3rd person)

The hallway was long and cold, windows overlooking a sheer cliff face. The only light in the room came from the moon. In the silence of the night only two pairs of footsteps could be heard, almost blending together.

An ornate door laid in wait at the end of the hallway. It was familiar, but right now it just felt cold and menacing. The two figures responsible for the footsteps opened the door, entering a circular room.

Every wall had a distinct set of doors on it and the middle was occupied by a round table. An amulet adorned its center. The two figures entered, one holding a bundle of white towels with great care.

"Are you certain this is what you want?" the first figure said.

"Of course I don't want that." the other replied.

It was a woman and the bundle in her arms began shaking in sync with her own arms. A small droplet rolled down her cheek.

"If only I could leave as well…" she whimpered, placing the bundle on the table.

Red energy began crackling around the room. A baby's cry could be heard as the bundle between floating in the air. With a few gestures from the two figures the baby disappeared, leaving only an echo behind.

It was for the best. Or at least they had to convince themselves it was. Otherwise this had been for nothing. The woman began crying in earnest, her hands insistently rubbing a symbol on her forehead.

"I'm sorry…"

Present day (your POV)

With a couple of last minute adjustments to your uniform you left to get to school. It had been a month since your enrollment in Kuoh Academy and you were loving it so far.

On the way a girl approached you as you were waiting at a traffic light. She wore a school uniform as well and immediately addressed you:

"Y/N. Don't forget about Kendo practice today."

"Of course not, Katase. I really need some help with my footwork." you replied, smiling and giving the girl a thumbs up.

"What about the swimming team?" another girl asked, almost shouting from across the street.

"You know I have tennis practice today. But I'll be there Friday. After all that pool really needs cleaning." you said, laughing alongside the girl.

The conversation kept going, mostly coming back to schoolwork and club plans. The girls had been pestering you to join the student council in hopes of getting more funds for their clubs. It did put some pressure on you, but it was nowhere near as bad as it could've been.

You had seen what the worst was after noticing a certain trio that had joined the school one year prior. Those first few weeks had been rough, with most girls ranging between cautious and low-key disgusted. It had taken work to get to this point.

With that train of thought near its conclusion the school came into view. Katase and the other girls switched into what you called "lookout mode" due to their extreme focus.

"I'm pretty sure Kiba has a girlfriend in his club." you said, playfully mocking Katase.

"No way!! Who told you that?!? Why do the girls tell you the gossip first?!?"

"Because I can give a sample reaction and keep the secret afterwards. Though this time I'm just making assumptions."

"Wait? What aren't you telling us?!"another girl asked, poking you in the chest.

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