Chapter 3

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I picked myself off the ground and slowly trudged to my perfectly boring house.

The inside was purely white and clean. What did I expect..? A few colours? Some food? No. I had to do everything myself.

Thankfully there was a med kit. And I bandaged up.

I decided to Change out of my gross uniform and put something more me on.

I decided to Change out of my gross uniform and put something more me on

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Much better

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Much better.

I inflicted my front door and walked outside. For an evening, it was still light and warm. The other dolls  were all in normal clothes as well as me.
They were giving me dirty looks and turning away in disgust. Tuesday, kitty and Lydia all smirked from the distance.
"She's weird."
"She's stupid."
"I heard she's mental."
"Well I heard she's violent."

I fell to the floor and looked up. Lou.
"Oh Lou! I-I'm so sorry!" I flustered. Stupid face stop blushing.

"It's alright sweetheart." He smiled at me. Oh his smile....

"Well um now that your here.. I was beaten up." He looked at me with serious eyes. His look was kinda sexy.... NO!

"By who gorgeous?" Concern filled his voice. He cared for me?

"Um well... Tuesday, Kitty and Lydia."

"That's a lie. My spy girls would never do that. I hate liars y/n." He glared.


"No buts! So what did they 'beat you up for' y/n?" He stopped calling me pet names.

"For saying I didn't like your lyrics because-"

I was cut off. Again.
"Excuse me?! You don't like my lyrics?" Louis raised his voice. Others dolls started gathering.

"Lou wait I-.... I." No word came out. My palms were now sweaty and tears pricked my eyes.

"How dare you! You deserve to be sent to hell! I actually thought you were pretty! Ha! Well I see that on the inside you are not..." He was yelling so loud. His eyebrows formed a 'V'.

I was crying now. Warm tears dropped from my face.

"Take care if y/n dolls" Lou clicked his fingers.
The dolls smirked and laughed.

They all surrounded me and pushed me down. Stood on my hands.
I was punched, kicked, thrown at walls, jumped on until I was barely conscious.

"Bye fat, pathetic doll." One of the boy dolls sang.

I stood up. My clothes were ruined and so was my reputation. I went back to my perfect house to find it egged, covered in graffiti and toilet rolls. I just went inside.

I ran up to my perfect bedroom and lay down on the stupid white bed and cried.
I howled. I sobbed. My body hurt so much.

Louis. The most perfect one here.
Yeah right.

Uglydolls: Lou x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now