"No, I mean she's cute I guess. I'm talking about the short one." He leaned back, running a hand through his hair. It was red, although if you look closely enough at the roots you can tell it's dyed, and that it's naturally a darker shade of brown. He really needs to dye his hair again, the mixture isn't pretty.

"You guess? She's fucking beautiful," I spoke before thinking, and they both turned to look at me. "I-I mean like most girls here." I stuttered, looking away.

"You were just saying that about the girl with purple hair." Ethan pointed, and I sighed.

"Okay, you caught me. I think she's very attractive. Not like I'll ever talk to her," I rolled my eyes. I don't even think I'm in the right mind to talk to a girl I think is cute. Who knows how that would end, as I am in a very sticky situation at home right now.

"So she's not off-limits?" Corbyn questioned.

"I mean I don't even know her name, I can't claim her." I shrugged.

"Guys, they're coming over here. Act natural." Ethan hit the both of us as he straightened himself, Corbyn doing the same.

"Hello, lonely looking gentlemen." The redhead greeted, and I furrowed my eyebrows at her. Who does she think she's talking to?

"Hi?" Ethan said, not expecting that greeting. Then again, I don't think any of us were.

"We're just thinking of going canoeing, although we have an odd number. Would you boys like to join us and make it even?" She asked, and just as I was about to deny her offer I looked to the left and saw the blonde looking at me again.

"Sure," I spoke up before thinking - yet again - and I saw the corner of her mouth lift up slightly.

"You were the last person I was expecting to answer," Ethan glanced over at me. "But, I'm willing to go. Corbyn you down?" He then looked over at the blonde boy.

"Yeah, yeah, definitely." He glanced at the only blonde girl in the group, who looked over at him. They had a mini staring contest as the redhead in the middle told us to go change into swim trunks then meet them by the lake, and that we'd better not be late.

Stealing one last glance at the blonde, she had stopped staring at Corbyn and looked at me once again, before turning and following the others out of the building altogether.

"Well, we don't want to disappoint so we should go." Ethan stood up quickly, Corbyn following suit. I sighed and stood up also, following them back to our cabin to change into our swimming trunks.

I changed into one of the few pairs I brought, my pineapple ones. I like them because they're not plain, and who doesn't like pineapples?

"This is kind of exciting, I wonder who we'll canoe with," Ethan spoke with a smile, as Corbyn and I followed him out of the cabin and toward the area of the lake where we'll meet the five girls.

"Do we even know any of their names? I mean obviously they're not too dangerous or anything because we're all attending this camp and whatever," I began. "But what if they're weird, or I don't know-"

"They can't be that bad. From what I've gathered that redhead is very popular, her name is Hannah or some shit," Ethan cut me off. "The other two are her best friends, follow her everywhere or something. Besides, you're the one that said yes first."

"What about the blonde?" Corbyn asked, asking what I was secretly wondering myself, and I ignored Ethan's comment. I was the one to say yes first, but it was literally only for the cute blonde girl.

"No idea. Her or the dark-haired one I thought was cute. I think they're new to being friends with her, but I guess we're about to find out, huh?" Ethan shrugged, just as we got to the canoe area.

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