Seperation anxiety-Louis🤝🥺

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Hey guys! This story is continued on from "Great Grandpa Andrew💔(Zayns dad)" so I would suggest reading that story before this one😁. Enjoy! This story is very close to my heart as I myself have experienced this many many times💖

After a tough week of tears, funerals and a very clingy Louis the Layn family were finally getting back to their daily lives

"Come on boys, we've got to go soon." Liam said as he packed the boys' school lunches. "Daddy," Louis said in a quiet voice as he entered the kitchen. "What's up Lou?" The boy hugged Liam's leg. "I don't feel good..." Liam kneeled down so he was the same height as Louis. "My tummy feels yucky." Liam nodded. "It's probably because you haven't been at school for so long that your a bit nervous to go back but also excited to see your friends it's called butterflies, daddy's got them too and Harry probably does too." Liam explained quickly placing a hand on Louis's forehead just to check. "See you feel perfectly fine, go on go grab your school bag and tell Harry to hurry up please." He said as he tapped Louis's little bottom gently as he ran off to go and find his brother. "Woah, you're in a rush little man." Zayn laughed as he dodged Louis on his way into the kitchen. "We ready to go?" He asked. "Yep let's go organise the little monkeys." Liam laughed as they both ventured into the lounge room. Liam packed the lunchboxes into their school bags while Zayn tried to get the boys out to the car, but there was a problem. "Daddy, I don't want to go." Louis mumbled as he grabbed ahold of Liam's leg. Liam put Louis's bag on the couch and knelt down to Louis's hight where Louis wrapped his skinny little arms around his dad as tightly as he could. "Louey, why don't you want to go to school?" Zayn asked making his way over to where Liam and Louis were. "I feel yucky." The boy sniffled wiping a little tear off of his face. "Shh shh don't cry, sweetheart." Zayn cooed placing a hand on Louis's forehead. "He doesn't feel warm at all." He informed. "Louis remember what daddy said before, it's probably just butterflies." Liam explained again bouncing the boy slightly on his knee. " and you know our rule Lou, you can't stay home unless you have a fever or your throwing up." Louis clung onto Liam as he tried to stand up. "No daddy!" The boy cried. "Come on Louie, let's all go in the car and we'll see how you feel when we get there ok." Zayn coached. Louis gave up and let go of Liam but grabbed both his dads hands as they walked out to the car. Louis was silent the whole drive there but Harry was a bit of a chatterbox. Once they pulled up at the school Harry gave both his dads a big hug and a kiss and ran off to find his friends while Louis was still in his car seat. Liam looked at Zayn concerned. "What if his actually sick Li, I've never seen him act like this?" Zayn asked. Liam shrugged. "We'll see if we can get him to go now and if not then he can stay home I guess." Zayn nodded. "Ok Louie, you feeling any better baby?" Liam asked leaning into the car and placing a hand on Louis's knee. "No! I'm not going." Louis sniffled starting to cry again. "Come here, darling." Liam lifted the boy out of the car and held him on his hip. "Baby what's going on, you don't look sick and you don't have a fever, is there something else going on?" Zayn asked pushing Louis's fringe back. The boy shook his head. "I want to go home." He mumbled burying his face in Liam's neck. "Honey p, we understand that you've been at home for so long and it's been a very hard time for you, but Harry, Papa and I all have to go back to school and work, and so do you. Ok, and if you stay at school today I promise we will all go and do something fun this afternoon, hows that sound?" Liam said trying his best to get the boy to go. Liam slowly placed the boy onto the ground. "No! Daddy! Don't go!" He screamed causing everyone to look their way. "Louis! It's ok, it's ok." Zayn quickly picked up the boy and rocked him back and forth feeling his little body shaking in his arms. "Don't go, don't go." He pleaded. "Li his shaking." Zayn informed Liam. Louis continued repeating the phrase. "Don't go, don't go." Over and over again until he was placed back in the car. "Louis sweetheart it's ok." Liam said as he buckled the boy into his car seat. "Papas going to take you home ok and you can have a big rest and loads of cuddles ok." Louis shook his head violently. "No daddy! I want you too." He said clinging onto Liam's hand. "I'll be with you all day Lou, daddy's gotta work." Zayn said worriedly. "No, daddy!" The boy screamed out. "Don't leave me!" Tears welled up in Liam's eyes, he hated seeing his little boy so panicked, he just didn't understand what the problem was, Louis had never reacted like this to anything before.  "Z, I better go..." Liam mumbled hearing the school bell ring. "I'll see you this afternoon Lou." Liam smiled sympathetically at Louis and hugged him tightly. "Daddy, don't go!" Louis screamed as he clung onto Liam's shirt. "Let go, baby, daddy's got to go, I'll see you this afternoon ok." Liam mumbled as he pulled away from Louis waving goodbye as he left. Zayn took the boy home and worked as Louis relaxed on the couch all day. Once Liam got home with Harry it all started again. "No! Papa don't go!" The little boy yelled as he ran after Zayn. "Sweetheart I'm just going outside to check on Hazza, I'll be back in a minute."  Zayn explained as he looked over at Liam. "Come here, Lou." Liam said as he picked Louis up. "I've got an idea, and I think it might help you out, do you remember Miss Riley? The lady who you used to talk to when you were little." Louis nodded. "She helped Harry when he got sad." Liam placed the boy on the ground. "Exactly, do you think you'd like to see her tonight? She said she could come over to see you." Louis smiled and nodded.

Half an hour later Miss Riley turned up at the door. "Hi Liam, Hi Louis, nice to see you again buddy, look how big you are!" She smiled as she gave the boy a hug. "I'm super big now!" He giggled as he sat down on the couch next to his dads. "Ok, Lou I brought you something." She said pulling out a box of colouring pencils and a piece of paper from her bag. "I want you to go and sit at the kitchen table and draw a big colourful picture of you and your family ok. And then you can come back and show us after I talk to your dads, is that ok? Louis nodded and took the paper and pencils and went to sit up at the table to draw whilst Liam and Zayn explained everything to the therapist. "Alright, Louis you ready to show us your picture?" Miss Riley said as she took the paper from Louis.

(My beautiful drawing🤪)

¡Ay! Esta imagen no sigue nuestras pautas de contenido. Para continuar la publicación, intente quitarla o subir otra.

(My beautiful drawing🤪)

"I'm guessing these two tall people are your papa and daddy huh?" She said as she pointed to the green and red men. "Yeah and that's Harry with his crazy hair and....that's me..." Louis mumbled as he pointed the sad-faced stick figure. "And who's this person up here." The lady said pointing to the floating blue stick figure. "That's my grandpa, he died...." the boy mumbled looking down at his feet. "Oh Louis, is that why your drawing of you is sad?" Louis nodded. "I keep thinking that Daddy and Papa might die, cause they are old too..." Liam and Zayn smiled at each other. "Sweetheart, daddy and I aren't going to die, remember Grandpa was very old, much older than daddy and I which means his heart was old too." Zayn explained. "we have a long time until anything like that ever happens to us, so there no need to worry about anything like that ok?" Louis nodded a hugged both his dads tightly.

The next morning everything went back to normal, Louis and Harry went back to school and Liam and Zayn went back to work.

Sorry for the quick ending I didn't really know how to end it but I hope you enjoyed it and weren't too confused.

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