Great Grandpa Andrew💔(Zayns dad)

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It was 7 o'clock in the morning Liam was driving and Zayn was trying his best to entertain his sons on the long 1 hour drive. "Daddy?" Harry spoke. "What happened to grandpa..?" A horrible silence took over the family. "Well what did daddy tell you?" Zayn finally spoke. "He just said that Grandpa was in hospital" Louis replied. Zayn looked at Liam who nodded and gave the ok for Zayn to tell the boys. "Well, last night grandpa Andrew, he um..." Liam placed a hand on Zayns shoulder for comfort as he noticed Zayn tearing up. "His heart gave out..." Harry leaned forward so he could hear better. "What does that mean?". "Well it means that Grandpas heart stopped beating, his in surgery right now which is why we are going to see him so he has someone to talk to when he gets out of surgery." Liam said deciding to take over for Zayn. "Oh.." Harry mumbled sitting back in his chair. Five minutes later they finally arrived at the hospital meeting up with Zayns older sister and her daughter. "Hey Zoe." Zayn said wrapping his arms around her. "Hey." She replied as she hugged Zayn back and smiled at the boys. Zayn pulled away from the hug and leant down to hug Hayley whilst Zoe greeted Liam, Louis and Harry. "So have you heard anything?" Liam asked. Zoe shook her head. Zayn lifted Harry up and held him on his hip just as Harry was about to speak the doctor came out and asked for the Malik family. Zayn placed Harry back on the ground. "Boys, Hayley stay here with uncle Liam ok, Auntie Zoe and I are going to speak to the doctor we will be right back." He said placing a tiny kiss on Harry's cheek before following Zoe and the doctor. Twenty minutes later Zayn and Zoe returned both with red faces and teary eyes. "Daddy? Where's grandpa." Louis said running up to and hugging him. Zayn kneeled down and gestured for Harry, Liam and Hayley to come over. Zoe held Hayley in her arms and Liam held Harry whilst Louis sat on Zayns knee. "Boys, Hayley, grandpa Andrew isn't here." He said starting to cry again. "Why? Where is he?" Harry asked curiously. "Grandpa didn't make it honey." Zayn replied wiping a tear from his face. "Oh Z, I'm so sorry." Liam said as he ran his fingers through Zayns hair. "What?" Louis said standing up. Zayn grabbed Louis's hands and squeezed them tight. "I'm sorry sweetheart but Grandpa died." Zayn sniffled. "No! His not, his not dead!" Louis pulled away from Zayns grip and looked up at his aunt and cousin who were both crying now and his dad and brother who were also crying. "His not dead." Louis yelled running up to the front counter. Zayn quickly picked up the distraught little boy and held him tightly in his arms. "Louis it's ok, it's going to be ok." Zayn tried to reassure him although he wasn't helping when he was also crying. Liam wrapped his arms around Zayns and Louis squishing Harry slightly in between, Zoe also decided to join in squishing Hayley aswell. "Come on, I think we should go.." Liam said helping Zayn to calm Louis as they walked out to the car followed by Zoe and Hayley.

Sorry for the weird ending and how short the story was but I wasn't sure how to end it but there will be a part 2 to this story so keep reading and I will update as soon as I can, hope you enjoyed my story please vote and comment😁 (609 words)

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