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(A/n Plz give me requests I really need them)


It had been a year since Peter had gone missing. Tony had searched desperately for the boy who felt like his son. However, his attempts were futile and the arachnid had disappeared without a trace. Tony was conducting his daily search when an alert popped up on his visuals.

"A large creature has attacked the local movie theatre and is now heading towards some apartment
Blocks." Friday informed him.

Tony flew over to where the attacker had last been spotted and entered a damaged building through the window. He exited his suit once he was sure the coast was clear. Scanning the debris for any body's, he made his way further into the apartments. He opened the door to a large room with no windows.

Suddenly, he felt a large force hit him and everything went black.


Slowly, Tony awoke from his deep slumber. As he regained consciousness, he started to notice his surroundings. The room was almost pitch black apart from a little light seeping through the crack below the door. He was bound to a chair by a rope that felt stronger than steel.

Then Tony noticed the ominous looming figure in the corner.
It was about four times the size of a normal man and it's eyes glowed red in the darkness.

"Show yourself!" Commanded Tony, struggling to break free from the chair.

The creature didn't move.

"I'm not going anywhere so hurry up and do what you're going to do to me!"

The creature ignored what he had said and turned bent down to a pile of bodies on the floor. Tony flinched at the sound of it's feeding. Once it had finished, it turned and walked towards him. It growled slightly. Now that the creature had stepped in to the light shining from the door, it could be seen a little more clearly.

It's eight red eyes glinted at its hostage as it's six arms hung by its side. Two large fangs hung from the ends of it's jaws. The rest of it's body was covered in rough, short hair.

It continued to approach Tony.

Once it had reached him, it let out a ferocious roar and lunged at its prey.
Tony closed his eyes and braced for the pain of it's bite. But it never came. He opened one eye after the other to see that the creature had only nipped at the rope that was fastening him to the chair. Before he had chance to thank the creature, he was grabbed around the waist by one of it's many arms and carried towards a window. The creature broke through the glass as if it wasn't there. Tony could see the traffic below his feet as they leaped from building to another. They only stopped once they had reached their destination: the Avengers compound.

The creature leat out a sound so ear-peirsing that it could be heard for miles. This caught the attention of the avengers who all sprinted outside to see what the fuss was about. (Clint, Nat, Steve, Bucky, Bruce, Sam, Rhodey, Wanda and vision)
Immediately all of them (but Bruce) started attacking the creature to release Tony. However, none of their attacks affected it. Once they were all worn out, Bruce put down his tea and began to turn green. Even the hulk, who was the closest to the power of this creature, could barely cause it to flinch. It let out a little growl and punched the green giant to the other side of the city.

Carefully, the creature put Tony down on the concrete.

"Any idea what this is?" Steve whispered to Tony as he stumbled towards him.

"No I just woke up earlier, strapped to a chair and ....." He never finished that sentence for Steve began to attack rh creature again. It let out a roar, banged it's chest and grabbed Tony, carrying him up to the roof.

"What are you?" Tony asked softly as he approached slowly.

The creature began to growl.
"MMMMmmm...." It grumbled.

Tony stepped back, not wanting to be it's lunch.

"Mmmmrrrrr Ssssssaaarrkkkk" it finished, hope in it's eyes.

"Wait....." Wondered Tony, "Peter?"

It tried to nod but it ended up looking like it was shaking.

"What happened to you?!" He gasped

The creature bent down, gesturing for Tony to get on it's back. Tony obliged and together they leaped towards the rest of the Avengers, who were still recovering.

"Do we still have to fight that thing?" Groaned Natasha as she stood up.

"Luckily, no." Replied Tony, getting down from it's back, "No you don't."

A look of pure relief spread throughout the team. The ones still on the floor lifted their heads.

"But we have a bigger problem." Announced Tony.

They all fell in defeat.

"We have to get Peter back to normal." He told them.

"THAT'S PETER?!?!" They exclaimed in chorus.

Tony nodded and patted Peter on the arm. One of the six.

(I really enjoyed writing this so I might make a part two. This was based off the Man-Spider from the comics and animated TV shows.

Hope you enjoyed!!

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