There were only seven other boys in Arbed House besides Aric, and they all seemed terribly hateful at one thing or another like Aric was.

There was Jach with his bulging belly and negative views towards his older brother who seemed to "always get what he wanted." Jach was sent to Arbed House a few days prior than Aric was after the oversized boy attempted to kill his brother a few times.

Other boys named Mika and Hemwa had conspired to kill the King of Foxwood because they believed he was purposely raising their families taxes as a way to get more money and be greedy. They disguised themselves as Foxwood guards and attempted to sneak into the palace, only to be caught before they reached the palace gates.

There was also a boy named Kei who seemed so emotionless Aric thought he was part statue. Due to his lack of emotion and being withdrawn towards his loved ones, Kei's father sent Kei to Arbed House to make him better.

Aric didn't see how any of these foolish boys could compare to his reasons for being in Arbed House. While most of these boys had lashed out against their families and what they believed, Aric had murdered the Mahut's pets and attacked their daughter without reason. He'd been abandoned by the only person he thought had loved him and survived in the endless woods as a poor child before being taken in. Aric had good reason to feel angry at the world, a way better reason than any of the reasons these lame boys came up with.

Than, there were the twins. With their identical copper hair and pale skin it might've been hard to tell them apart if it wasn't for their different eye colors and hair styles. They were reserved and seemed to keep to themselves except for one of the brothers who occasionally chatted with the emotionless Kei.

The first time Aric laid his eyes on them, he didn't think much, except that one of the boys intrigued him for some reason. It was the twin with the shaggy copper hair and milky white skin that looked like he were sucked of blood. His eyes were a deep blue and his features were cold. His name was Japeth, Aric later learned, but there wasn't much he knew about the brothers' backstory. It made him wonder how somebody so seemingly good could wound up here in this dreadful house like some prisoner.

Students at Arbed House were taught about loyalty and kindness, the true characteristics of a pure Ever, but Aric paid no attention to Dean Burnhilde's stupid lectures. Instead, he'd spend time sneakily vandalizing his desk during class before the Dean would catch him in the act and force Aric to go to the Circle.

The Circle was a ring that'd be made up of students who were being punished. It wasn't a physical punishment though like a beating or anything like that. It was a form of mental punishment where every individual in the ring had to confess their so called, "sins" and were supposed to feel guilty after confessing them.

Aric thought it was a stupid punishment for something as silly as damaging School property. Yes, it was wrong, but when did Aric do anything right?

He didn't want to be in this stupid school where everybody seemed so cheery and positive while he was so negative and hateful. But alas, Aric had nowhere else to go. Apparently, the Mahuts had been responsible for Aric, so they had a say in him staying and leaving Arbed House. Unfortunately for Aric, he probably wouldn't be leaving Arbed House anytime soon after all the horrible things he'd done at home.

It was one chilly afternoon that Aric found himself being forced right back into the Circle after he made a rude remark about Jach and made the heavy boy cry like a baby. Apparently saying that Jach could've killed the brother he hated so much by sitting on him had hurt Jach's feelings. Aric found it hilarious, but Dean Burnhilde found no amusement in Aric's joke.

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