The next thing I know Seb is on top of me and we're making out, but both of his hands are pressed on the couch so he won't crush me with his entire body, my hands are roaming around his hair, pulling a bit while I try to fight a moan that wants to escape my lips, it's been years since I last feel this kind of sensation, the burning feeling you have while making out, oh god it feels so good with him.

After a minute he pulled out for air, I watched him breathe heavily in front of me, and so am i, then it hit me, I can't, I'm not completely over with Peter, I shouldn't be doing this, he's my friend, how can I let myself do this, my eyes widen with the thoughts and I pushed him back, making him fall to his back on the carpet with a grunt, "I'm sorry, I got scared!" I said putting both of my hands on my lips, he sat down rubbing his lower back and looked at me, "it's alright, I'm okay." He said and smiled, I get up and started pacing, "this shouldn't have happened, I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to, I'm really sorry." I said then I felt his hand gripped on my wrist and it made me come to a halt, I looked over to him with waters in my eyes, he get up and pulled me into a hug, "it's okay, everything's okay, don't be sorry, if you're not ready yet, I'm always here, I just hope whatever happens we're still friends, I don't want to loose you." He said as I burry my face to his chest and then he started rubbing my back to ease me, I nodded with what he said and whispered thank you.

We sat down the couch and continued to finish the movie, after that he asked me if I want to watch civil war cause that's what I really offered him, I said no and save it for another time, he approved and we started to clean up everything.

I'm washing some coffee mugs (cause that's where I put some of my snacks, don't ask, imma weirdo) and he's sitting on the counter top asking random questions about me, "so, when's your last relationship? If you don't want to answer it's okay, I understand." He said picking on his nail, "I'm gonna answer that, I think , a year and a half now?" I said putting the mugs on the dishwasher, "whoa? How can you? You're lying right?" He said with a light chuckle, I wiped my hands on the cloth that is hanging near my sink and lean against it to look over to him with a stern face, it made him stop chuckling "you're serious?" He said coughing a bit.

"Yeah, why would I lie?" I said with a smile, "but why? With a beauty like you? How?" He said looking straight to me, "Because I cant, I'm not over yet, and when I say I'm not over yet, it will take a lot of time, I don't even know if I'll be prepared for the next one or not." I said, he gave me a pity look, "Oh don't you pity me, I'm gonna kick your ass." I said putting one eyebrow up then we burst out laughing.

He crashed on my place again and head out early with a little note.

Thank you for last night! It's so nice knowing a bit more of you, text me when you wake up.

I smiled a bit from it and do my thing, I need to go to work, and do shit about it.

I wear a white turtleneck shirt and a black lace pencil skirt that is up my knee, I pairs it with my black pumps and my usual clutch bag, I put on some light make up and make my way to my garage and drive to my work.

Brandon really wants to hit one of my nerves, he pulled me in the hallway near my office, "You look so beautiful Annie, maybe we could take that off later tonight." He said and winked, "go fuck yourself." I said and spit infront of him, leaving him there with a annoyed look.

People always told me that guys like girls who is hard to get, no wonder why Brandon lingers near me always, cause I'm the only girl in the building who he never gets to fuck in a one night stand.

The morning went by, and it's time for lunch, bet Seb is in the café by now, I texted him saying I'm on my way, but he doesn't reply, I brush it off and walked to the café.

I ordered my usual and went straight to our table, to see him laughing with another girl, my smile faded when I see the happiness in his eyes, he's laughing non stop with whatever the girl just said and stopped when he saw me, he smiled and waived for me to walk near him, I walked slowly when the girl looked over to me with a simple yet elegant smile, she's so beautiful, not comparable to me.

"Hey, this is Lewis, my childhood friend(make up cause I need drama lol)" He said pointing out to the girl , the girl get up and stick his hand for me to take, I shake it and said " I'm Annie." With a smile.

"Wait I'll get you a chair." He said, and tried to get up but I said no. "I need to finish something urgent and I'm going to eat lunch in the office, go and take your time, I'll text you later." I said with a small smile, "it's nice meeting you Lewis. Bye Seb." I said and turn to my heel and walk fast as I could to get out of the café.

I got this small feeling that I got stabbed In the heart, am I getting jealous? Why? I don't like him, He's just a friend so why would I feel that, as I try to shrug it off, it just made my Day grumpier.

Long one again 🤦🏻‍♀️


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