
Naruto knelt on the ground as Susanoo crushed down upon him.

Danzo watched it all with a smirk. Naruto may have managed to overwhelm Danzo at first but once Danzo released the heavy hitters, the foolish boy stood no chance.

Danzo could see Naruto straining to not let the Susanoo crush him and laughed,

"You honestly thought that you could defeat me? Even after knowing about my secrets?"

"Yeah I really do," Naruto answered nonchalantly as if the chakra specter wasn't trying to turn him into a bloody pancake.

Danzo frowned, "You are a fool, boy."

"So I have been told by many self-righteous assholes," Naruto looked up and winked when he met Danzo's eyes.

Danzo growled and increased the power of his Susanoo. It was straining him too but the sooner he ended this the better, Danzo thought.

Naruto strained for a moment more before he suddenly relaxed and stood up and the Susanoo was pushed back by the unexpected power.

Danzo with his Sharingan saw the chakra that enveloped the blond all of a sudden and was confused and frustrated, so the boy had an ace up his sleeve.

Naruto stretched languidly and looked at Danzo before punching straight through the Susanoo and to Danzo's horror the Susanoo shattered and disappeared.


"I must say Danzo, I had thought that the first level would be enough for you. I didn't want it to be too easy for me after all..." Naruto said, "But you managed to push me to my second level... That's impressive, you should know."

"Level?" Danzo asked cautiously.

"Hmm..." Naruto looked too carefree as if this wasn't a battle to the death and somehow Danzo knew that to Naruto, this wasn't even a battle at all.

"I keep my powers locked in levels you know... And you just managed to push me past level one."

"How many levels do you have?" Danzo asked and wished he hadn't when he heard,

"A thousand..."

Then all Danzo knew was the pain.


Tsunade walked towards the stadium. There were still a few more hours before sunrise and she didn't know what to do with the time.

She had already decided not to fight. At first, it was because she didn't want to defeat Naruto, now she could admit that it was because she was afraid of her facing the same fate as those who fought Naruto before. What was a shinobi without chakra? Even Lee, who prided in not using ninjutsu indirectly depended on chakra. Tsunade had spent so many years in perfecting her skills that the loss of them sounded worse than death at the moment.

She sighed when she recognized her teammate's chakra coming towards her.

"What were you doing with the Onikage?"

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