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So here is the new chapter. They only have two fights as you already have figured out, so no fight with Sasuke yet. This chapter is the match with Sai and Sakura and some other things scattered in between.

I hope you enjoy.


Naruto Uzumaki v/s Sai Begin

There was no conversation between them as they didn't know each other and the fight started immediately.

Naruto dodged the ink lions as Sai had taken to the sky on his ink bird. He slammed his palm on to one of them and the lions exploded into a shower of ink. Surprisingly, not one drop fell on Naruto.

Naruto narrowed his eyes as he saw the ink seeping into the ground but had no time to ponder on it before another lion attacked him.

Sai made more ink lions from on top of his bird and they jumped down to the arena. Naruto narrowed his eyes and made ten clones. All of them began tearing apart ink animals.


"That boy is planning something." Onoki said looking at Sai who was hovering above the arena.

"Indeed, but what?" Ay asked.

"That ink, it is seeping into the ground and just disappearing! It's some kind of trap." Kurotsuchi said.

"I have a bad feeling about this" Gaara said looking down at the arena.

"Well, you are not the only one." Kyoshiro, who had appeared back inside the kage box, said.


It's over for you now boy. Danzo thought smirking down at the arena.


Naruto narrowed his eyes at the ink animals that began melting into ink on their own. He stepped back suspiciously as the creature he was fighting, too melted down.

What are you planning? He thought, looking at Sai who was now at a visible height.

The ink had all vanished into the ground. Something about the whole scenario unsettled him.

Suddenly there were seals all around him. They appeared quickly as the ink suddenly began streaming out of the ground forming strokes of kanji. Naruto couldn't get a good look at the seal since it was massive and he was trapped in the center, but he did recognize the kanji he did get a look at and had a good guess what the seal was for.

The Seal array began to glow and soon it was glowing a bright red color.

Naruto felt the seal immobilizing him and draining his chakra at a steady rate. He wasn't worried about chakra depletion simply because he had so much chakra that he knew the seal would get overpowered and blow up. But that didn't mean he would be careless, nor would he let the people find out that particular detail about his chakra capacity. He would need less than a quarter of his chakra to overpower the seal, but overpowering the seal meant people getting an idea of how much chakra he had, because the chakra needed to overpower the seal is well past any human's limit.

The clones all began popping one by one. The entire arena was now one gigantic seal array with the original Naruto trapped inside.

Naruto struggled for a minute then calmed down and observed the seal more, a suppression seal capable subduing even a biju if only for a brief period of time and the chakra draining seal, containment seal... the list goes on. At best, the seal could take out a five-tailed-biju. Impressive but not good enough.

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