The Lost Story

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Here I lay in my bed wide awake for who knows what reason. I've been having this problem for the past week. No matter how many sleeping meds I take nothing will make me fall asleep. There's 9, well technically 8 days until school starts back up again. This is the time where I'm suppose to sleep as much as I can since I won't be able to sleep in for much longer. My mind has different plan for me by keeping me awake all hours of the night. Last night I only got three hours of sleep and tonight is probably going to be the same.

I can't help but feel stressed and a lot of anxiety. I have volleyball coming up. I also have to focus on my music and my writing, but mostly my music, because I have lost all inspiration. Ever since I ended my story Double Rainbow I have lost all story ideas. People say maybe I just have too much on my mind, but the only thing that's on my mind is the gorgeous Ross Lynch.

I never did introduce myself. I'm Carly Jensen. I live in California, and you could've guessed it I'm a huge fan of R5. I'm 17 years old, and I live with my Mom, Dad, and older brother Sage. Since me sleeping tonight is out of the question, I might as well go for a little late night walk. I grabbed my beats, phone, and snuck out the front door. My parents don't really care if I leave, but I don't want to wake them up. I plugged in my headphones and blasted Avril Lavigne Under My Skin. I love her music. I didn't really know where I was going, but I enjoy the time alone. I was just walking until I heard yelling, and then everything went black.

"Maybe we should take her to the doctor. What if she's dead!?!?", I heard someone panic. "No I think she's coming to", someone else said. They definitely sounded like guys, but I couldn't tell who. They did sound familiar. "Ratliff run to the house and get some ice and a blanket". I slowly opened my eyes. Where was I?I tried sitting up, but someone held me down.

"Hey, lay down", the boy whispered. HOLY SHIT!! It was freaking Ross Lynch. I quickly sat up but regretted it. Pain shot through my skull. I held my head hoping it would ease the pain. "I told you not to sit up", he said laying my head on his lap.

"What happened?", I asked trying to sit up again, but he wouldn't let me. "Can I sit up?". He let me, and he help me sit up. "Care to tell me what happened?". He took a deep breath and ran his fingers through his hair.

"Well you were walking. Ratliff and I were skating and my skate board flew in front of you. You tripped, and you must've hit your head when you fell", he told me the story. It all started coming back to me. "Did you loose any of your memory?", he asked lightly rubbing my forehead. I shook my head.

"Well what's your name?", he asked. "Carly Jensen". "What's your birthday?", he asked. "November 7th, 1996". I don't see how asking these questions would help. He never knew my name or my birthday, so how would he know if I was telling the truth. Even though I was. "So Carly, I'm sorry about your head. What were you even doing out at this hour?".

"It's fine really, and I couldn't sleep so I just went for a walk, well, more like a fall", I said. I looked at Ross, and we started laughing. "I'm Ross by the way", he said starting to calm down. I nodded, "I know who you are. I love you and your sibling's music". He looked at me shocked.

"That's awesome. What's your favorite song of ours?", he asked looking into my eyes. I thought for a little bit even though I knew my favorite song. "If I Can't be With You", I answered. "Sorry I'm asking so many questions, but I have one more", he said. I nodded for him to continue. "Can I-", Ross got interrupted by Ratliff riding down the street.

"I got the ice and the blanket!!", Ratliff yelled running towards us. Ross said thank you then lightly placed the ice on my head. Ross helped me stand up then wrapped the blanket around my shoulders. "Do you want me to walk you home?", he asked.

"No I'll be fine but thank you", I said. Ross was still holding the ice to my head. "I think I'll head back home", Ratliff said. He got his skateboard and headed home. Ross still stood there holding the ice. "I should get going too", I said.

"I'm walking you home whether you like it or not. It's the least I could do", he said. I didn't argue, because I knew I would loose. We started walking in the direction to my house. "Here it's freezing", I said wrapping one end of the blanket around him. He took the corner of the blanket and pulled it more around himself. We finally got to my front door. I unwrapped myself from the blanket and gave it back to Ross. "Thank you", I told him.

"No problem. I am the one who caused you the pain. The least I could do is walk you home. I'm really sorry about that", he said. I laughed. "It's fine really, I have a thick skull", I said; we laughed together then stared at each other in silence. "I am sorry, how about this give me your number and I will make it up to you".

"Are you sure this just isn't an excuse to have my number?", I questioned him. He looked down and answered, "Maybe". I laughed a little at his cuteness. I handed him my phone, so he could put his number in it, and he gave me his. I typed my number into it and put my name as Punching Bag. I handed him his phone back, and he gave me the 'you're not funny' look. He handed me my phone back and his name was <3Ross<3;). I smiled, and we told each other good night before I walked into my house.

 shut the door and leaned against. Holy crap, did that really just happen? I went upstairs and got into my bed. It was surprisingly still warm. I plugged in my headphones and turned on my R5 radio on Pandora. Better Together from Austin & Ally came on. I laid there staring at my ceiling taking in Ross' voice. His voice put me right to sleep.


Sorry for deleting this then reposting it. I just wanted to fix some things. I will be posting twice a week from now on. School has been hard, but I promise I will keep up with Wattpad. COMMENt and VOTE!!!!! Love Yous!!;)

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