Amelia sets Addie down and puts on Trolls

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Amelia sets Addie down and puts on Trolls. Alex hands Addie her bear and she sits on the floor with it and watches the movie.

Alex sits on the couch and Amelia sits next to him, resting her head against him

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Alex sits on the couch and Amelia sits next to him, resting her head against him. Alex wraps his arm around her shoulders, and looks at her with a smile.

Amelia lays down, resting her head on his lap and looks up at him and smiles slightly as he plays with her hair. She smiles more, biting her lip and looks at the screen. He continues playing with her hair, then starts braiding it.


Zach wakes slowly, holding Blayke in his arms and kisses her forehead as she stirs slightly, opening her eyes and smiles sleepily.

"Morning my love." Zach says kissing her softly. She kisses back and smiles.

"Morning babe. We should shower.. and eat.. then be lazy." she giggles.

"Works for me." He gets out of bed and takes her hand and goes into her bathroom, turning on the shower as they step in. He washes her hair, rinses it then washes and rinses his. He then washes her body, rinses it then washes his and rinses. He turns off the water, wraps a towel around her, then wraps one around his waist as he dries her hair with another towel. He leads them back to her room, where he gets dressed. She goes over to her closet and gets dressed in sweatpants and a t-shirt.

They go out to her kitchen and she sits on the counter while Zach makes food. He finishes cooking, plates the food, and hands her a plate. They start eating, Zach leaning against the counter next to her. Once they finish eating, Zach does the dishes, dries them, then puts them away.

Blayke goes into the living room and puts on Netflix, grabbing a blanket and sits on the couch as Zach comes in and sits beside her. They start by watching Naomi and Eli's No Kiss List and cuddle on the couch.


Amelia puts on Finding Dory next for Addie and looks up at Alex. "You said you wanted to know me better than I know myself.. what do you want to know?" Alex thinks for a moment, unbraiding her hair and running his hands through it.

"What are your favorite foods?" He asks, still playing with her hair.

"Um, homemade chinese food, any kind of chicken, wings, tacos, spaghetti, any type of pasta.. I'm not too picky." She replies, smiling softly. Alex nods. "What about you?"

"Wings, fried chicken.. anything that I can cook." He chuckles, looking down at her. She smiles, biting her lip.

"Favorite... books? I saw you have a lot of them.." He asks, curious.

"Um, well, Ryan's Bed is a favorite.. Blackmail Boyfriend is another one. I'll read anything, honestly." He chuckles, resting an arm on the back of the couch.

"What about you?" She asks, playing with the hem of her shirt.

"Um, well, there's one I read called The Honest Truth. It was pretty good. Also Tears of A Tiger was good." He smiles. "All time favorite, hands down, is The Outsiders."

"That's a really good book. I remember reading it a couple years ago for school." Amelia replies, resting an arm across her stomach.

Alex smiles, still playing with her hair, "Favorite music?"

"Oh gosh, um, you really can't ask me that.. I literally listen to all music. Panic!, Seether, Disturbed, Journey, Bon Jovi.. anything." She says, smiling. "I'll sing along too.."

"I've heard, and you have a nice voice." He says, smiling, as she blushes slightly.

"What about you?" She asks, biting her lip.

"Uh.. depends on my mood.. or whatever is on the radio. Usually whatever is current." She nods, still biting her lip softly.

"Plans after high school..?" He asks, moving his arm off the couch and resting his hand on top of hers.

"Um, well.. I.. don't know.. I always wanted to be a writer.. but it's not as easy as you would think.. especially finding someone who will read your stuff.. and then finding a publisher.. and all that fun stuff. If I had to say dream job, it's that. But for a practical job? I've never thought about it.." She looks away. He turns her face back towards his.

"There's nothing wrong with not knowing, and I honestly think you would be an amazing writer. Especially with the stories you could tell based on your past, and if you want, I could read over your stuff.." He says, caressing her cheek. She smiles softly.

"That would mean a lot, actually. I might take you up on that." He smiles, still caressing her cheek.

"I'd love to, princess. Anything for you. Now, I have to ask. Do you want more tattoos?" She giggles and he smiles.

"Yeah, actually. I do, like a whole lot more.. flowers and quotes and other things.. I'm addicted, thanks to you." Alex chuckles and strokes her hair.

"I'd be happy to give them to you, when you want them. With parental permission if your still under 18, that is." She smiles shyly.

"I'd like that." She smiles and turns back to the movie. Alex looks at the screen, still stroking her hair. Addie has fallen asleep on the floor, holding onto her bear.

While Alex and Amelia are in the movie room, the mail runs and a package is left for Amelia at the door, but no one hears the knock because the movie is loud. They finish the movie and then put on The Perfect Date.

Life After You (Life Series; Book 1) {COMPLETED}Where stories live. Discover now