Chapter 1

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I may be blonde; but I'm not dumb.

I may like books; but I'm not a nerd.

I may fall over flat surfaces; but I'm not clumsy.

I may slack on Physical Education; but I'm still sporty.

Okay, that's maybe not the truth... Perhaps I am a blonde nerd who is so clumsy it leads to being deprived of the capability to do sports apart from skateboarding (not penny-boarding). That is a sport according to me, yes! I may enjoy listening to jazz a little more than I should, but what saxophone player doesn't? And yes, I don't listen to conventional music for teenagers. And yes, I do sound like a total hipster but the more I try not to be hipster, the more hipster I become. I suppose keeping chickens is also hipster then too? Playing guitar and piano? Harry Potter fan? Skateboarder? Okay I admit I'm hipster... But not on purpose! Wait a second, what is that mysterious ticking noise? Is kinda catchy... Nope just my clock. What?! It's that time already! Right! Best get dressed then. I don't understand the point of uniform; it's not that My hipster-ness doesn't want want me to wear the same as everyone else, it's that they are so uncomfortable! Seriously! A shirt and blazer is probably one of the most uncomfortable things you could possibly wear! I'll just stuff the cereal in my mouth... I'm afraid I'll just have to skate real fast to school today. Yay! My Mom and Dad are both away to work at the moment. My Mom works at my school, yet, she has already driven to school because teachers have to be there earlier. You may ask why would I refuse not having to walk to school? Well, while I really dislike most physical activities, I cannot avoid the chance to have an extra half hours' sleep. I make a swift exit in record time. And I usually don't do anything so fast until after midday. Its kind of an unspoken agreement that up until then is my standby time. Like on a computer. I throw my board down and jump on it. I'm gonna be a speed skateboarder now apparently... At least its early, and no one will see my maniac pavement skating. Hopefully! I need to arrive early because I don't want anyone to see me put my skateboard in my locker. Speed skateboarding should seriously be considered as a replacement for some of the sports they make us do in PE (that could also be compared to torture) as I am getting stitches in both sides... Now there is more than one stitch with the rapid amount of pushing I am doing. I arrive at school early as ever and run to my locker to hide my skateboard. I sorted out the books I needed and made my way to the library. You may ask 'Why the library?' Well, something I may have forgotten to tell you is that I have no friends. As a person I have always struggled to fit into the social groups of schools. I'm not sporty. I may be nerdy but not to the extent that I talk about it continuously. Also people don't seem to appreciate getting an education on the history of jazz. I try to make friends but it never seems to work out. If you have ever had a time where you have fell out with your best friend and have no one to go to... Well I seem to be the one that people use as a 'rebound' before they magically forgive each other by the next week. I used to genuinely believe they wanted my friendship. Never. I suppose because my mom is a teacher they associate me to her.

As i make my way to the library, I get my coat pocket caught on the door handle and fall over. Two girls come around the corner and start sniggering once they have passed me. I have learned to resist their sniggers, glares and smirks. I have kind of became immune to it I suppose. If you have been exposed to something for a long time you will eventually become accustomed to it no matter how vile it may be. People don't directly bully you. They cut off all your social attatchments and leave you as bird bait. I enter the library and the librarian gives me a friendly smile as I take a seat at the back of the room and begin to read one of my dark-covered books.

Welcome to my life!

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 22, 2014 ⏰

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