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When I was younger, around 8 years old, my mom and I got into a car crash. We were on our way to get ice cream as my gift for passing my swimming test when we heard tires squealing. All I remember before blacking out is an eighteen-wheeler coming towards my moms side of the car and our screams. The next time I woke up, I was in the hospital and overheard the doctor telling my father that my mother didn't make it through surgery and that he is sorry for our loss, then I blacked out again.

A year after I woke from my coma, my father started drinking, and a couple of weeks after that, he became abusive... It wasn't bad at first, with a couple of hits and some insults here and there, it wasn't until I was forced out of the closet that it got bad. I got bullied at school because of the stutter I was born with and the fact that I was gay, only to be beat back at home after school.


Kai at age 16

"Hey, bitch, where is my supper? It was supposed to be made and on the table by now!" father yelled, slamming the door shut and started marching towards the kitchen. "I-I was j-j-just a-a-about to serve it f-f-father," I stutter back to him. When he finally walks through the kitchen door, Im hit with the strong scent of alcohol; he is completely wasted. "You know the fucking rules; its supposed to be on the table before I come home!" He says, coming closer to me and grabbing me by my hair. "I-I-Ill have it d-d-done ri-ri-right now, I promise," I whisper to him.

"Not good enough bitch," Pulling back he grabs the pot of boiling water and throws it at me. I scream in agony and struggle to move away from him, but I dont get far; he grabs me and throws me into the kitchen cabinets. Menacingly he stomps closer and starts to kick me in the stomach and wherever else he can hit me. It has never been this bad before. Im honestly scared of what he is going to do.

"D-D-Dad, please s-s-stop" I breathe out heavily and whispery as my vision starts going blurry. "STOP? You want me to fucking stop? You should have thought about that before your ugly ass killed my wife!" He yells in my face, his spit hitting my face. "I-I-I had no c-c-control ov-ov-over that," I whisper as I curl up in a tight little ball. But what I didnt realize is that my father was waiting for me to curl up to do what he did next. I felt and heard the crack of my spine as his metal toe boot kicked me right in the back; I let out the loudest blood-curling scream ever.

"Shut the fuck up, you stupid bitch! If I get caught because you couldn't keep your stupid mouth shut, Ill kill you," he threatened while his claw-like grasp covers my mouth from screaming. The pain is completely unbearable, and all I can do is whimper. "Serves you right, you ugly bitch, get the fuck up and start supper again," he slams my head against the marble floors and stomps away.

Although as I try to get up, I realize I can't feel my legs or anything lower than my hips. Fear and anxiety began to overwhelm me, and in this state, I don't realize that I have been wiggling and making noise. The exact same noise father told me to avoid, which is why he comes stomping back in.

"What did I tell you? Get the fuck up and make supper!" he said as he grabs me and pulls me up. But when he lets go, I fall right back on the floor. "What the hell is wrong with you, huh?" he murmurs, coming closer to me. I-I-I can't-t-t feel m-m-my legs... I whisper as anxiety and my hypervalentilating finally takes hold, making me lose consciousness.

Third POV

As Kai loses consciousness and his dreadful father stomps away grumbling. Kai's sweet elderly next-door neighbour, Mrs. Abigeil, calls the police after hearing what happened while gardening. Not even five minutes later, the police are storming in and arresting Kai's father for domestic violence, child abuse, child endangerment and anything else that can possibly charge him with. During this, Kai is gently placed on a stretcher as paramedics rush around to stabilize and rush him to the ER.

Before you continue on with the story, I would like to say thank you for reading my story. This is my first book obviously but I hope you will enjoy it. I would like to say that before you continue that there will not be huge descriptions or pictures of my characters because I think its better to not have a description that way everyone can picture their own type of person. Anyways, Thank you for reading!

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