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Sully glanced up from the personal ads and knew that this would be too easy. Sure, he'd have to tell Kelly he was going on business to Memphis, but a little getaway was just what he felt he needed. He craved the touch of a soft lady's skin, her porcelain bodice reflecting off the beams of light escaping from the bathroom. It was time for a getaway.

The last woman he held close to him was in a dark motel room in Tulsa. Textbook player, loved to play the game of cat and mouse. Introduce himself from a distance with longing glances. Then, just when the ladies had had enough of the mind games, he'd walk on over and give some generic story about who he was. It was always something believable and respectable such as an investment banker, broker, and sometimes he even talked about his taste for the finer things in life.

Pam, standing in front of her vanity mirror, layered on her war paint, thick and bright red lipstick. 

She thought to herself, "I'd do anything for Ed..."

Ping. An out of area number.

"Darling, where should we do this?" 

It was Sully behind the phone, unsuspecting of just what he had in store. 

"The Belmata Inn, 20 minutes."

Fixing her garter straps, she flicked back a piece of her blonde hair. It was time to  make this happen. 

Sully entered the parking lot of the Inn, throwing his keys to the valet in a smug manner. Up in the hotel room, Pam was doing the final touches, trying to look just right. Sully entered the corridor, searching for the correct room. 

"Seven-Thirteen, this is it." He slid the key card through the receiver to which he was granted access with the green flash on the handle. Inside, he saw a cart full of room service, including but not limited to pate, caviar, and to top it all off, champagne. This woman knew what she was doing. 

Entering the bedroom, Pam gazed across the room to Sully.

"So I know I asked for you to be here, and now I just want to make sure you're comfortable." Pam smiled over at Sully, eyes doing their best to appear promiscuous in nature.

Sully, removing his jacket from his suit, threw it over onto the old and graying sofa. Cigarette smoke began to ribbon through the room as he unveiled the stash of bourbon in the cabinet. Cigarettes and bourbon were his vices. Well, that and trying to humiliate women. 

Pam walked over in her best seductive manner, holding two glasses of champagne.

"Drink up baby before the real fun begins." She was afraid she sounded too cheesy for it to feel real.

"Whatever you say, beautiful." Sully grabbed the tall glass from her hands, downing the beverage in one large gulp. 

"Now. Let's get to know one another." Sully was a man who knew what he wanted. She'd give him that, but he was still the scum of the Earth in hind-side view.

Head full of fog, Sully woke up from a deep sleep to find his hands chained to the back of a chair and his mouth covered with tape. 

"What the hell...WHAT the hell is going on?" The room was clouded with cigarette smoke, but Sully could make out the rough silhouette lingering against the front door of the hotel room.  Out stepped Ed, lips pressed firmly together, trying to negate a grin.

"Of course it is you," Sully lifted his head to see Ed approaching him now.

"Been a while, hasn't it?" Ed pulled up a chair and sat just a few feet away from Sully.

"Now let's talk about why you've been after my daughter."

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