Sunday: September 28, 2014

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  • Dedicated to To The Stalkers Reading My Diary!

Hey my Fab Cookies,

So this is my diary! (Cool cover right?). And this is the beginning, so I'll be telling you a little about me! So I am 1/4 of my siblings! My biggest Sister is Jaseyla, my second biggest brother is Mason, and my third biggest brother is Jackson! So I'm the youngest! Sometimes I feel like the Frye family b/c first off Jasey (Jaseyla) is 22, Mase (Mason) is 19 and Jack (Jackson) is 17 while I'm (Juliet) turning 13 on October 16th, 2014!

So as you can tell I like Venturiantale, I also like:

Doctor Who



Making icons, book covers, etc.



Skateboarding (Remember I live with 2 boyz)





So yeah, that's me! I have kinda goldish blondish hair, blue/green eyes, and I'm tall for a 6th grader! Yes, you heard me, I'm in 6th grade and I'm almost 13! It's b/c I started elementary school early! I'm also Christan! So yeah, that's my life for ya! I'm not the only 12(ish) person in the 6th grade though! There is my friend Chase, Dylan, and Adam who are almost 13 too! But they are all boyz! Can ya guess which one I like? (CHASE!!! ♥♥♥).

But my "not at school" crushes are Matt Smith and Isaac Frye! :) But don't we all? Oh and don't tell Jasey I told you guys but *whispers* She has a crush on Jordan Frye and Jake Varga (Chase's older brother). Shhhhhhh!!!

Welp, My Fab Cookies, I'll see y'all in Narnia! *jumps on Nyan Cat's Back* GERONIMO!!! *Salutes*

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