Tuseday: September 30, 2014

5 1 0

Hai Fab Cookies,

Okay maybe I should just call you guys and gals THE STALKERS READING MEH DIARY!!! XD

What, you guys kinda are! Okay, anyways, School was just so...weird! Oh you want to know more you ask? Okay. Well first, once I got to school, Chase was giving out mint strips, I've never tried it before, and so.....my tounge as num! HE PUT FIVE IN HIS MOUTH!!! XD

Oh and my friend Skylar PUT 7 IN HER MOUTH!!! XD

Then I put another one in my mouth....BAD IDEA BTW!!! So yeah, we did that during well the whole day, so yeah that's my day! XD Welp, My Fab Cookies, GERONIMO!! *Salutes* *jumps on Nyan Cat's Back*

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