Chapter 1: The beginning

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Hey it's me atropos, and if you guys ever played a video-game called 

Road-rash, I believe you will like this short story. Read and enjoy, don't hesitate 

to review! 

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Mike Teflon--The king of the Road. These words echoed in my mind. I nervoulsy 

put on my favourite racing gloves and my heart started pacing faster. I rode the KamikazeZYX 750,  

and finally after getting ready, I decided that it was go race or go home time. After all it was the  

Road King 2012 finals and I was fortunate enough to make it this far. I touched my forehead  

and whispered to myself, " Do it Mike, You know you can. Nothing can stand between 

the championship and you. Not even Bose." Bose Jefferson was my arch-rival and kind 

of a friend too. On the track, we were enemies. Many a times, he spoiled my chance 

of winning domestic races and so did I. Not our fault though....only one person can be a  

winner, other has to be the runner-up. Most of the championships were claimed by either 

Bose or myself. "Yo Mike! See you on the track. After the race, you can help me carry my  

Road King cup." These few words were like a painful memory of the last year's finals and  

made me want to get in his face right then and there. Yet I decided to keep my calm.

I looked around. Some were familiar faces, others were new racers making there way to  

the finals. I saw Axle, my sworn enemy tucking his beloved aluminium chain under his jacket. 

He glanced over at me and yelled, "Hey, Michael, what you lookin' at, huh? This? Oh yeah 

I'ma smack you with this on the track. Ha Ha!" God! How I wished to punch this guy right now! 

On my left was Jim, who racers called Slim Jim because of his slender body. This guy was 6 feet 

3, yet because of his body looked 7 feet tall. He's really a simple guy. Never gets in brawls,  

concentrates on the race and drives like the wind. He looked up and noticing me, said in his raspy 

voice, "Hey Mike! Let's show these newbees what we got. Wheres your nitrous?" 

I glanced down and looked at the empty nitrous panel in my bike and thought, "Damn. Olley  

is so careless. Didn't remember to install new nitrous here." And wishing best luck to Slim,

i pushed my bike to the Starting Grid. Jon was standing there already, checking the valves and meters of his 

ride. "Damn. He had to be here, didn't he?" I thought. Milwaukee Jon was a monster on the road. 

He fought like there was no tomorrow, usually carrying a club with him. He rode the mighty 

Banzai SuperSport 1100, which was heavy as hell, making him a force to be reconed with. 

Everybody on the track feared this guy, those who didn't were either fools or it was Bose. Because  

Bose was his buddy. They both grew up together, and while Jon's club shot was painfull as hell, 

Bose's punch felt like a ten-car pile up on the head. "The odds are surely against me. I wonder if 

I can put up a fight with them if those two have an alliance or something." I thought when suddenly 

a loud speaker announcement snapped me out of my trance. 

"Are you all ready?! Bose Jefferson, the defending champion, Mike teflon, last year's runner up, 

Axle Mckurdy, Jon Milwaukee, Jim Riley, Rhonda the Rash are all in the finals!!! And to put up 

a serious competition, Ryder Storm, Charley Black, and last but not the least, Sven are the newcomers this year!!

Let's hear it for the Road King Championship 2012!"

A loud applause followed which I thought was really amazing. The number of people in attendance was huge!

I looked behind me to see Jonraising his hands, and yelling to the crowd that he would be the champion definitely this year. "What 

an attention craving cocky person is this guy? I yelled at him, "Hey Jon! You want some? I'll be waiting at the 

finish line, sucker!" earning an even bigger crowd attention and a 'Let's go Mike' chants from them. 

"Let's dig it!!" said Olley. And the crowd was already going nuts. "3,2,1, Go!" yelled everybody in a chorus 

and off we go. I clenched the acclerator and the final showdown had started!

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Chapter end~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 

That's the first chapter of my Road rash short story. Hope that you like it guys. More is coming up in a day or two. 

Any corrections, just say it in the comments section. Enjoy!

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