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Abhimanyu's POV

I woke up with the bright sunlight glaring at me with pure hatred.

I don't know what I did to deserve this hatred.

My life is so messed up.I am living like a corpse.I am just living for my family, if not, then I would have died. I don't have any reason to live but I am living just for the person who gave me birth.Why did you leave me Sam? I am suffocating living like this.

Come back to me Sam.Please love, I am dying everyday living like this.I can't wait anymore baby.

Please Sam come back to me.

Without you my life is miserable.

Your smile, your crazy talks, your laugh, your pranks, your glares, your seductive looks.I can't forget a single thing about you Sam.

Why are you punishing me like this God?I am tired waiting and searching for you my love.

Five years without you were hell for me.I can't bear this torture anymore. I know you won't ever betray me and let anyone enter in your life.

Still I feel I am missing everything Sam. Everyone told me you're dead but still my stupid heart feels you're alive.You didn't leave this world without taking me with you.

I miss you Sam.

Mom is pestering me to get married but I am not going to let anyone in my life.That place only belongs to you.
Those six months with you were the most beautiful moments of my life.

On that day leaving you was my biggest mistake, I should have taken you with me.

Leaving you was the biggest regret which cost my life without you.

Days are turning to years but I can't move on from you.I can't and I never will.If I am alive it means you also breathing somewhere Sam and I won't stop searching for you.

After taking shower, I walked towards the breakfast table to see everyone was present waiting for me.

"Good morning everyone," I said smiling at them.

They wished me with beautiful smiles and I could feel someone's eyes on me. That is none other than my little brother.

"What?," I asked with a frown and he gave me a frustrated sigh making me confused.

Shit! I promised him that I will convince Mom and Dad to meet his girlfriend's family.

"Dad I want to talk with you," I said taking a bite of my breakfast.

He nodded his head and resumed eating his breakfast.

Completing our breakfast we moved to the living room to have a nice conversation.

"Dad I think we should think about Abhay and Aditi's wedding," I said smiling at him.

"What about you?," Mom asked coming in between our conversation.

"Not again Mom. I told you people that I am not getting married and please stop pestering me Mom. I won't agree, I am not ready for marriage! Please stop that girl Mom! She is irritating me a lot! I don't want to behave rudely with her and because of you I am not saying anything! I don't want anyone in my life Mom! I am happy being like this," I said with finality.

Then I heard a snicker beside me to see my brother controlling himself to not laugh.

He knows I hate that girl.

She is a clingy bitch.

Mom wants me to get married to her because she is the one who saved Mom, When Mom fainted on the road.
Mom thinks she is the best for me and I think she is wrong because only Sam can handle my arrogant behavior.

It's hard to believe that girl because I still feel something is off about her behavior.

She always behaves sweetly in front of Mom and when Mom disappears from our sight, She behaves like a gold-digging bitch.

Once, out of courtesy I took her to shopping for saving Mom and Mom asked me to accompany her. I didn't want to refuse her, So I took that girl with me and I couldn't believe that she shopped the whole mall for two hours.

That time I understood that she is a money-starving bitch.

Shopping with Sammy always gave me the most wonderful feeling. She always shopped for me, not for her.

I came out of my thoughts when Mom started talking about me.

"But..." Mom started and I cut her off in the middle.

"Mom please and I will be very happy if my sister and brother get married to their loved ones. I want to enjoy their wedding Mom! Is there any law that big brother has to get married before the younger ones? No! Right! Then I have no problem if they both get married before me." I hugged Mom and kissed her cheeks.

"And Abhay has someone in his mind," I said smirking at him for which he gave me horrifying look.

"Abhay," Mom scolded him for keeping this secret from her.

"Mom..I," he started making me laugh at his nervousness.

"Mom and dad, She is a very good girl, apart from what I heard from Abhay and I think they both make a beautiful couple," I declared proudly because I trust my brother's choice.

He will never take a wrong step in a relationship.He is not like me and here I have kept the biggest secret from them.I always share everything with my dad but I simply kept everything a secret about Sam. I don't have the courage to share this with him because I've broken her promise. I can't look into dad's eyes.

He's always sceptical about my behaviour after his surgery.

I'd stopped interacting with him and he knew that I was keeping something from him, but he also stopped asking about my life. I know he's always there for my support and I'm glad he never questions about my decisions.

"Who is she?," Mom asked excitingly making me smile.

"Sanjana Kapoor," Abhay replied shyly making me laugh at his embarrassing face.

"You mean to say Mr. Ronit Kapoor's daughter, Right?," Dad asked with a hint of eagerness in his voice.

"Yes Dad," I replied smiling at him.

"You people are going to meet them first and decide when is the wedding. I am going to Delhi for one month and after finalizing everything inform me. Abhay don't sulk, I will come before engagement only," I said watching his disappointed face.

I know he wants me beside him for every single function but I can't because I have meetings lined up and I have to start searching for my love.

After bidding bye to them, I was about to sit in the car but Abhay called me making me stop.

"Please stop running away from everyone, Brother!," He spoke making me freeze in my place.......................

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