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(If she has Nothing else to wear)

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(If she has Nothing else to wear)

(If she has Nothing else to wear)

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(Bathing suits)Likes: Vocaloid, anime, humming, music, bike riding, horse back riding, swimming, baseball but only so she can hit the ball and pretend she's hitting someone she hates, dark humour, horror movies, H3nta1, as far as girls go? Big boo...

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(Bathing suits)
Likes: Vocaloid, anime, humming, music, bike riding, horse back riding, swimming, baseball but only so she can hit the ball and pretend she's hitting someone she hates, dark humour, horror movies, H3nta1, as far as girls go? Big boobs- bring out her inner lesbian, murder investigations, ghosts, the paranormal, hurricanes, tornados, volcanos, snow (she's never seen it)

Dislikes: affection, PDA (she doesn't even like the words "I love you." Like she doesn't even hug or say "I love you" to A N Y if her family, well she does but she hates saying it. She's convinced that she's Aromantic even though she has no problem with getting a boyfriend or girlfriend), bullies, snobs, iPhone, Apple products, Avengers, Marvel and DC, make-up, cheerleading, girly girls, people bashing anime, people saying "ching chong" then saying that they were speaking japanese, people saying "who wrote in Chinese" when it's in Russian, Serbian, or Korean, or Katakana (ALL THOSE FOUR ARE OBVIOUSLY NOT CHINESE), people saying she's a weaboo and not knowing the real definition, cheaters(on tests, in relationships, anything), rule breakers, pedophiles, minors dating adults, people saying bullies shouldn't be punished, idiots on the internet, alot of other things that are to long to list. Also text talk
Fears: the dark, the closet and bed monster (yes she still believe in it), storms

Hobbies: drawing (traditional and digital), roleplaying (hah see what I did there?), Music, singing, making song covers, animating, playing video games, making "photo shoots" on Garry's Mod

Any favorite shows(or movies): Criminal Minds, Blue Blood, bones, Law&Order, NCIS, Weather Gone Viral, Paranormal Survivor, Paranormal Lockdown, Northwoods Law, Full House, The Thundermans, Henry Danger, Sam&Cat (miss that show), The Haunted Hathaway's, Big Time Rush (I used to love that show. Dunno why), iCarly

Athletic or not athletic: not that athletic but she will go out and take a walk, ride her bike, or swim, she just doesn't like running.

Weaknesses: her weight, her chest (it's huge, she always says that if she's gonna do stuff with running and jumping like baseball, track, etc, that she'll need a binder), laziness, kindness (she's usually to nice for her own good, to many second chances)

Strengths: bravery (she stands up for others), desensitized (she doesn't flinch and isn't affected by seeing someone get tortured or gore,infact it only entertains her, unless it's someone she deeply cares for. Then she goes psycho on you.), Being a sadomasochist(being hurt affect her as much as any other normal person, cut her and she'll flinch, not cry. She falls and takes a layer of skin off, she'll flinch, no passing out, no crying. Seeing others get hurt doesn't phase her in any way, if it's someone she really cares for it'll only p¡ss her off.)

Family: Ginger Bleshoi (mom), Steven Bleshoi (dad) (the mom and dad are divorced), Spencer Bleshoi (younger brother), Skye Bleshoi (older sister)

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