Chapter 1 - Introduction

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Dedicated to ChocolatMint ! For making a beautiful cover for me. Its on the right side, take a look at it although its not that fat before. :)


Strength, elegance and gracefulness, these are the things which I, Sonia Hales lack in . I'd always admire girls like that. Not to mention there are some other girls who would betray their bodies for money. 

I am Sonia Hales, a 16 year old ordinary girl who is staying at my father's new house ever since my mother had died. Why, you ask?

My beautiful mother, has light brown curls that were in a messy bun had complimented her pale skin. She has cute dimples that were barely visible now that her age is increasing. Her  sapphire blue eyes that resembled the calm ocean was the prettiest I've ever seen.

When I was crying as a 10 year old, she would always sing me a lullaby, although i never heard the title before, it had a melodious tone that ringed with joy. I loved it.

However, I hated my father for what he had done to her..

-Rewinding the incident-

" No! You can't do this ! " a sorrowful voice came from the living room late at night.

I woke up. Due to my curiosity, I opened the door slightly and peeped through it. My mother and father were quarreling. 

" Bitch ! Get out of my way ! " my father raged, using a tone that I've never once had experienced. He pushed her sending her tumbling onto the ground.

My legs felt like jelly. I couldn't stand up to help my pitiful mother who had collapsed onto the ground. My gambling addicted father had once again ran off with the money my mother had painstakingly earned. 

Stress constantly build up on her frail shoulders and she gave up on the option 'living'

That night, she had died. The sharp knife she used was held in her left hand. Blood gushed out from her right wrist. The red liquid eventually form a puddle. I heard some strange noises in the kitchen and rushed towards that location finding her in a bad condition, bleeding profusely.

" Mother ! Don't leave me! Don't die, we'll get through this like any other times! " I yelped helplessly beside her.

" I'm sorry, dear. Just  let me die. It's my last wish, I love you and once again, I'm sorry ." 

Just like that, I stayed beside her the whole night staying beside her and singing the lullaby. I regretted that choice as a teenager now.

 My father who was a once gambling addict had deemed to turn over a new leaf. I don't depend on him though.

One reason.

I don't believe in love anymore..


Heya guys! Its my first book I've wrote without an editor. Please don't be too harsh on me ? -3-

Its a romance book so, you're in the correct section haha. However, the introduction is about Sonia's past okay? Don't be confused desu :) 


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