14. Battles

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She tapped her foot to check on the dagger she kept hidden in her shoe and instinctively ran a finger across her three rings.

Hibari knocked and came in, wrapping an arm around her waist. "What's with the equipment?"

"Be prepared." She stated, making him stiffen a little.

From previous experience, Satsuki never said that unless her predictions on battles were 100% accurate. Her prediction of the fall of Vongola was accurate; she knew who was attacking and what they wanted. She had even tried to prevent the death of the Arcobaleno, but failed.

They heard a loud meow and looked down to see Uri walking around a little drowsy. Hibari picked the cat up and a dull noise sounded throughout the base. He glanced at Satsuki who gave a little smile before walking out.

They made their way to Tsuna's place and met up with Yamamoto and Tsuna who were standing in the middle of the hall. Gokudera came out of his room and went to get the cat when it scratched his face in rebellion.

Hibari threatened the three of them for disrupting discipline and crowding, taking his tonfa out of nowhere but yawned. He turned and wrapped an arm around Satsuki, beginning to walk away.

"Wait! Hibari!" Gokudera called, trying to pull his face away from Uri's swipes. "Thanks... I'll repay you..."

"Don't worry about that." He stated. "I'm not waiting for payment, Gokudera Hayato."

Gokudera started to shout in annoyance but Tsuna interrupted.

"Hibari-san!" They both look at the young boss. "Let's all do our best tomorrow."

Hibari slightly scoffed and looked down. "No, thanks. I wouldn't fight beside you people... simple because I am strong... Even if I were to die, I wouldn't team up with you."

"Kyoya!" Satsuki smacked his arm, turning to the three of them with a wry smile on her face. "Sorry about that guys, but you know how he is."

"Good night." Hibari turned and pulled Satsuki along with him, walking away.

A few moments of silence pass before Satsuki makes a comment.

"They'll arrive in your place first." She muttered, pulling on his yukata. "So I would change out of this flimsy thing before it comes off during battle."

"Hn." He leaned in and kissed her forehead. Satsuki responded by closing her eyes and gripping his yukata tighter.


An hour later, the two of them were prepared. Kusakabe had taken preparations and woke everyone up from their slumber, gathering the children and civilians before the first explosion sounded. Satsuki could hear the shouts down the hall and turned her head to the wall in front of her as is exploded.

Her sword was in right hand, coated in cloud flames and her left hand gripped her pistol, loaded and aimed towards the enemy.

"Hello there." She grinned. "Sorry to say this, but you came to the wrong place. Would you mind trying next door?"

Hibari stepped out from behind her. "Only the weak flock together in packs." He lit his tonfas up with his own cloud flames and Roll had been released. "I will bite you all to death like cornered rats."

"It's a trap!" One of them cried.

Satsuki gave another smile before rushing towards her first opponent, cutting him down. She whipped around and shot the next three before twirling the sword in her hand and stabbing it into the ground. The cracks created from the impact grew with the help of cloud flames and made some of the henchmen stumble. She took that opportunity to disable a few more before Hibari rushed past her and knocked away ten guys with one sweep.

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