Act Three

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(Hiromu burst out of the door that gives into this passage,Akumaro followed him,taking his time)

Akumaro:You're making this much more difficult than this needs to be,the message will be delivered.

(Hiromu runs away from Akumaro with his Cheetah speed,trying to get away from him,he shoots at him but then he budged it and shoots him with blue fire but Hiromu runned very fast from him then Akumaro shoots a blue fire and it hits Hiromu to make him demorph,Akumaro grabs him)

Akumaro:What u have concealed,u shall become.(took off Hiromu's Go Busters jacket and glowing scarlet inscriptions has appeared in his bared skin,with some effort,he turns up and faces him) You have no other choice.

Hiromu:No! (he swirls up to a charge,his fingers locked around his fists)

Akumaro:The message will be delivered.(squeezes Hiromu's fists) Your destiny shall be fulfilled.

(His face contorted,voices a series of tortured groans,red marks tilt down the rest of his body,appearing in his arms,legs and midriffs,Sun and Moon cycle rapidly through the passage of many days)

(As Hiromu strains on Akumaro's grip,as time forwards to past days,he has let go and drops to his knees and his hand against the night sky,wrapping his arms around his body as if to warm himself,he unfolds them after a moment,he looks down in shock to see the markings now covered at a inch of his body,he looks up,still horrified,he breathed sharply,all the cities destroyed,the Ressha is on a ocean of lava,and Right,Ryuuji,Mio and Kagura are stone,they are not moving,Hiromu gets to his feet)


Akumaro:Yes,look at it,behold the world u destined to create.

(The voice roars in a very,terrifying tone)

Hiromu:No.(puts his hands to his head) I won't do it.Its just a vision,this can't be real.

(Akumaro reaches into view and clasps Hiromu's arms)

Akumaro:This is the future.Your future.It began the day u were born and nothing can stop it.
This will come to pass,u will destroy the world,its written all over your face.(stops on Hiromu's face)


(Bursts of white light play over his visage during the long scream and the sky shreds to normal,his vision has ended)

(Hiromu sweeps across the screen,He and Akumaro are still standing,all the inscriptions of Hiromu's body fades away,Akumaro releases the grip of Hiromu's arms and makes him tumble to the edge)

Akumaro:We'll be in touch,oh...and happy Birthday.(swoops over)

(Hiromu falls and Right swings to catch him,the first sight that he greets his face)

Right:Are u ok?


Right:Come on,let's go home.(tooks wounded Hiromu back to the Ressha)

(Dissolve to the exterior of the Ressha,Hiromu looks at the clock again,then a loud knock on his door,he opened the door and saw arrows on the grounds,he follows it to the living edge,the light blazes up,there he saw Right,Ryuuji,Mio and Kagura and Nick who attempting a 2nd party)


Ryuuji:Look,I know u don't want a party, but we're glad that u were born.(grins at Hiromu)

(Hiromu grins back at Ryuuji,then he says)

Hiromu:We're going to need ice cream.

Nick:You got it.

Kagura:Coming right up!

(Hiromu approaches to Right)

Right:Are u sure you're ok?

Hiromu:I will be.

(Nick's arms are loaded with ice cream cartons then Kagura's hands are loaded with ice cream cake that says "Happy Birthday,Hiromu chan")

Right:What u told me about your destiny that something bad was suppose to happen,it did,I'm sorry I couldn't stop it.

Hiromu:Its fine.

Right:Look,we'll find Akumaro,we'll figure out how he did what he did and why is he after u but right now...You're safe.

(Hiromu looks away,he sees the red marks appear on his palms)

Hiromu:No,its just the beginning.

(In the Shadow Train,Akumaro came back from battle)

Saturakura:So,how did it go?

Akumaro:Very well,not as hard as I expected.

Escape:So,Red Buster's in the palm of your hand?

Akumaro:That's right,the message has been sent.He knows what he must do,The prophecy will be fulfilled.

Saturakura:(laughs) That's great,it will be good watching Red Buster wounding from Akumaro sama's marks,its much more fun when one is in pain.

Akumaro:And the world of mortals shall soon be ended.

Saturakura:Even better! Imagine the whole world will be destroyed and then the Toqgers will be defeated and then victory is ours.(laughs)

Furabijo:Ooh,I'm so excited for that.

Wendinu:Yeah,me too.

Akumaro:Indeed,and I will make sure that Red Buster will fulfill his destiny and then the truth will be untold as the others will be destroyed.This is just the beginning.(lifts a evil laugh,close up to his head that has a symbol on it that we see on Hiromu's room and Hiromu's body,then it kneels in flames)

(Fade to black)

Ressha Sentai Toqger 2:Birthmark (Transcript)Where stories live. Discover now