Start from the beginning

"Speak of the devil and ye shall appear," Rebekah muttered under her breath as Elena and Stefan began walking down the hall, the doppelgangers eyes locking onto the brunettes as a look of hurt crossed her face. "Thea? Don't tell me you're still friends with her," Elena stated angrily as they came to a stop in front of the pair, the doppelgangers eyes narrowed on the blonde vampire in hatred.

"Jealousy isn't a good look on you Elena," Rebekah taunted, her eyes trailing over the doppelgangers figure with a mock pout on her face causing Elena's scowl to deepen, "please, Thea's the only person on earth that actually likes you," the doppelganger retorted childishly. The blonde smirked, "well, your boyfriend liked me once," she mocked, her gaze lifting to meet Stefan's as she offered him a seductive smile before turning back to the brunette, "actually, a lot more than once."

Elena scowled in jealousy as Rebekah smirked at her before turning her attention to Thea who was leaned against her locker watching the exchange in boredom, "seriously T? After everything she's done, you're still gonna be friends with her and act like nothing happened?" the doppelganger scoffed furiously. Thea rolled her eyes, slamming her head against the back of the locker in defeat, "lord give me strength," she muttered under her breath as she closed her eyes in annoyance.

The brunette couldn't catch a break. She was constantly caught in the middle of the relentless feud between the Mikaelson's and her friends, and quite honestly, she was bored of it. "Nuh-uh, do not drag me into this," the brunette stated as she looked between Elena and Rebekah with a defiant look on her face. They could hate each other all they wanted, but Thea was no longer playing their games.

Both Elena and Rebekah rolled their eyes at the brunette, just as the wolf's phone rang, saving her from their drama. Sighing in relief, Thea looked down at her phone seeing an SOS message from Damon saying that he needed her help urgently. "As fun as this has been, I have a Salvatore to save. See you later Beks," the brunette told the group before hurrying back out of the school. She hadn't even made it to one of her classes before she was dragged back into the supernatural drama, it was a wonder as to how she hadn't been expelled.


After walking trudging through the woods, Thea finally stumbled upon the trailer Damon had told her to come to. "Damon?" the brunette called as she opened the door to the trailer hesitantly and peering inside, finding the vampire inside, "why were you being so cryptic? Please tell me this isn't some kinky sexcapade you've arranged, I already told you I'm spoken for," she teased, not noticing the arrows that were attached to him.

"Come in. Close the door," the vampire muttered through gritted teeth causing Thea to frown before doing as he says, finally noticing the arrows that attached him to the claymore mines causing her to hold her breath. "Tell me that is not a bomb," the wolf pleaded as she stared at the device fearfully, "okay. It's a kitten. It's an adorable, exploding kitten," Damon responded sarcastically with a teasing smile causing Thea to scowl.

"Why didn't you call Stefan?" Thea asked freaked out, as she stared at him in incredulity causing Damon to frown, "because I'm proud, and stubborn, and- oh, look. You're already here," he remarked sarcastically earning a glare from the teen. "Come on, you're not gonna get hurt. All I need you to do is be doctorly and cut out the arrow. I'd do it myself, but if I move," the vampire trailed as he gently touched the string attatched to the arrow buried in his thigh.

"Damon, stop! Are you crazy?!" Thea shouted in a panic as Damon pulled his hand away, making a soft 'kabooming' noise to demonstrate his point. The brunette breathed shakily, nodding her head hesitantly, "okay," she muttered as she grabbed a knife from a near-by table before moving behind Damon. Putting the point of the knife next to the entry point of the arrow, Thea began to cut around it as Damon picked up a letter from Pastor Young to April from the table.

FIRE AND ICE ⎯ n.mikaelson¹Where stories live. Discover now