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i'll kick ur kneecaps | littlelily
hey guys! i just wanted to say thank you
all so much for supporting me through this
whole custody mess! it really means a lot!

i'll kick ur kneecaps | littlelily
however, my semi-celebrity status
(or whatever it's called) doesn't negate
the fact that it's an extremely personal and sensitive matter, and i deserve privacy!!!!
just like everyone else!!!!!!!

i'll kick ur kneecaps | littlelily
it sucks when i see people trying to
find the "truth" over why i moved in
with my dad. the truth is it's none
of your goddamn business!!!!

i'll kick ur kneecaps | littlelily
and you know what's worse? these
people making videos or tweets or posts
that pass their assumptions off as the truth.
newsflash! they're not!

i'll kick ur kneecaps | littlelily
and i hate hate hate that i have
to say this, but to clarify:
my parents got divorced when i
was six, my mother got custody,
and that doesn't mean my dad
was or is a bad father.

i'll kick ur kneecaps | littlelily
i recently moved in with my dad
and asked for my father to get custody.
i'm not going to say how or why because
i! don't! want! to!

i'll kick ur kneecaps | littlelily
i'm happy for everyone whose been
here for me! i despise people who think
that my business is their business because
i'm a celebrity! stop it!

imessage !
( god - marla )
( rat rat rat - leo )
( meme queen - lily )
( complex lesbian - isabel )
( doesn't speak carnivore- aidan )

i'm gonna pull
their spines our through
their noses on me bro

rat rat rat
wh- who's spines?


doesn't speak carnivore
how the fuck did
you just italicize
a text message

complex lesbian
marla we talked about
this no ambiguous threats
of violence


oh right the spines thing

lily how r u doing?
need me to commit a
felony on your behalf?

meme queen


complex lesbian
marla no

marla yes

rat rat rat
is nobody going to
mention marla suddenly
being able to italicize
text messsges? no?
just me?

shut the fuck up

rat rat rat
shutting the fuck up

doesn't speak carnivore

he he

uh oh! | aidan gallagherWhere stories live. Discover now