The Life I Once Knew (A TMYMFHF sequel)

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I woke up to the scent of bacon being cooked, I shift slightly only to realize that Jeff has covered me with a blanket. Jeff must have noticed that I was already awake 'cause he greeted me a very cheerful "Good morning!".

I smiled-well at least I tried to, I was still groggy hah- and he smiled that dorky smile that always cheered me up.

"Get up, sleepyhead! I cooked pancakes and bacon for breakfast." Jeff said in a cheerful tone

"I'm on it" I said, fumbling as I try to untangle myself from the sheets

"What time is it, by the way?"

"It's 7 am, sleepyhead. Get eating, I still need to bring you back to your house"

Oh fuck. I totally forgot! I bet my mom is worried sick right now holy shit

And with that, I ate breakfast like a madman, gobbling up a handful of bacon and a stack of pancakes as fast as I could, all while Jeff was laughing at my gluttony. He was clearly amused with how I consumed my breakfast.

"Slow down, hotshot. You might choke on your food, I ain't gonna heimlich maneuver you..." He said jokingly, which was apparently effective, 'cause I slowed down... A little.

After eating breakfast, I grabbed my jacket and we started walking back to my house. It was a long walk back, but at least the weather was pleasant.

We talked about last night and I thanked him for the surprise he set up for me. The moment I was done thanking him, his whole body grew tense and his smile turned into a straight line. Well, that made things awkward, and it also made me curious.

"Hey, why so glum all of a sudden?" I asked

"Well, that wasn't really my surprise... We both just got sleepy so it never pushed through..." He said with a nervous look on his face

"Well what is it then?"

He kept a straight face, and I was starting to get pissed.

I was about to argue when I heard Quill barking from afar. We must be getting near.

I walked faster, following the sound of Quill's barks. I decided that I didn't want to argue with Jeff anymore, and I figured that the best way to avoid that was to not talk to him. I could hear him trailing me from behind but I ignored that 'cause my pride won't let me talk to him.

I saw our front porch from a distance, I quickened my pace.

We finally reached our front porch and Quill ran up to me, and greeted me a "welcome home" kiss. I turned around, and Jeff hugged me, handed me a neatly wrapped box, kissed my cheek and said "I have to go... I'll see you tomorrow.." and went off without saying another word. I wanted to apologize but the words were stuck in my throat so I watched him walk off into the woods, making his way back home.


I looked at the neatly wrapped box he gave me while Quill laid by my side, his head on my lap. I didn't want to open it without him, so I stuffed it in my jacket's pocket and I went in.

My mom was cooking her signature dish, Paella, when she saw me. I braced myself for a lengthy lecture about not going home and stuff like that, but instead I was greeted with a "so-how-was-"it"" smile. I stood there confused, when my mom abandoned the dish she was cooking and ran up to hug me.

"What???" I asked, still confused about what's currently going on

"Don't play coy with me, young lady! So how was your night with Jeff???" She asked with a menacing smile


((Part 3 to be continued))

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 17, 2015 ⏰

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