The Mysterious Young Man From Hannington Forest (Part 2)

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We were getting deeper and deeper into the forest, and our only source of light was the moon shining bright above the trees. I was starting to get worried but all my worries quickly vanished when I saw a neat little cottage in the middle of a clearing, its lights were on and it looked really cozy.

"Hey, Jeff... Is this your cottage?" I asked, breaking the awkward silence

"Yeah! It's not much but it's enough. Haha. You like it?" Jeff said proudly, his face beaming with obvious excitement.

"Hell yes! It looks super neat and cozy!

One question though... why do you live in the middle of the forest?" I asked.

"It's not that far from civilization, you know... There's a highway just a few miles ahead. Besides, I just figured that I wanted to live here because I like being as far away from other people as possible. Less drama. Haha."

"Oh, that's nice. I like the way you think, Jeff. Hahahahahaha."

And then there was awkward silence once again.

We finally reached the front porch, and his screen door gave me a slight peek at what his house looks like inside.

It looked really clean, and everything seemed to be in order.

He reached out to open the door for me, and as I stepped inside I saw the entire interior of his neat little cottage house AND IT WAS GORGEOUS! It looked like a house from every teenager's dream!

There were acoustic guitars neatly arranged in one corner, posters of Jeff's favorite bands were beautifully taped on the walls where his guitars are, his kitchen was medium-sized, with an oven, a stove and a dishwasher.

I could go on, and on, and on about the interior of Jeff's cottage, but it'll take me hours to do so. Which is kinda surprising, because his cottage is not that big anyways.

But what really caught my eye is the surprise that was waiting for me. It was not much, really, it was just a rug strewn with all of our favorite junk food and beverages, a record player with a neat stack of vinyls next to it, some throw pillows, and 2 flower crowns. Yeah, it was not much, but it was just so quaint that it took my breath away.

He sat down on a throw pillow on the rug, and he fluffed the pillow next to it, and he gestured for me to come sit down. The things that happened next were really fun, tbh. We talked about almost everything, while stuffing our faces with junk food and chugging on sodas, sang along to our favorite songs, and we laughed as we put on flower crowns and took loads of selfies together! After the last selfie, he messed up my hair and kissed my forehead. We were both exhausted, I lost track of the time, and next thing I know, we fell asleep on the rug with his arm around me, and my head resting on his chest.

-End Of Part 2-

The Mysterious Young Man From Hannington ForestWhere stories live. Discover now