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When Henry's excited, he starts speaking really rapidly. His eyes would light up as he smiles and motions with his hands.

It's almost like looking at Jasper while he's gushing (because that's the only word for it ) about buckets.

It's endearing (in both Henry's and Jasper's case actually).

Charlotte, on multiple occasions, could do nothing else but trace her eyes over Henry's face, as the words tumbled out of his mouth.

She loves that look.

It's boyishly cute, filled with happiness and excitement.

He gets that look whenever he does something really cool on a mission, when he watches some new episode of Walking Orange or Dog Judge, or if he gets a really good grade.

His happiness is blinding. Dazing.

So it's not odd that her only focus point during those moments, are his face and that dazzling smile of his.

It's one of the things she likes the most about her best friend.



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