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I recall the day of the accident very clearly. It's forever imprinted itself into my memory, no matter how hard I tried to forget it. It wasn't raining, the road wasn't icy, there was no drunk driver, no animal in the road.

It was a bright afternoon, the sun shining so bright on everything it touches. I was driving alone, windows rolled down, hair flying in my face, radio blaring the latest BTS album. I was having so much fun, not a care in the world, no sign of stress on my face. It was like the rest of the world had disappeared. I was wrong.

I didn't realize the pothole to the right of the road. My car rolled. For almost ten seconds, my car rolled through a field. At least that's what the police say, only ten seconds. Then why did it feel like hours? I rolled, and rolled, and rolled, slamming my head against the window twice. I remember feeling a sharp pain in my left leg, not knowing what caused it. I remember laying there in shock once the car stopped moving, staring into space with my mouth agape and my eyelids slowly dropping as I lost my consciousness. I was told an elderly woman who lived down the road heard the crash and called the ambulance. I never learned her name, I wish I could thank her. If not for her I would have sat in my upside-down car until I bled out from the gash in my leg.

The next thing I remember is gaining consciousness in the ambulance for a few seconds and seeing two people bustling around me shouting things I couldn't be bothered to hear. I was almost completely numb other than the pounding in my head, but that didn't last long as I passed out once again.

When I woke up again I was laying in a hospital bed. I could hear the obnoxious beeping coming from my left. The smell of cleaning products, someone crying outside my room. But I couldn't see anything. I knew my eyes were open, but it was pitch black. I brought my hands to my head and felt a bandage around my head, covering my eyes. I sighed in relief. There was something moving next to me so I moved my hands across the bed until I felt a head of hair on my fingertips. Whoever it was gasped as I drew my hands to my chest in surprise.

"Y/N? You're awake?" My mother asked, finally revealing who was next to me.

"Mom? What happened? Where's dad? Why are my eyes covered?" I asked, the confusion settling in all at once.

"Visiting hours are over love. Your father is at home, he'll be back in the morning." She answered quietly. "Why don't you try to sleep some more and the doctor can explain everything in the morning."

"Yeah... Yeah, okay. I am pretty tired still, goodnight mom."

"Goodnight, love."

oops. published the first chapter without telling Emma. she's supposed to be the co-writer, sucks to be her.

BLIND // KIM NAMJOONWhere stories live. Discover now