Chapter four: flashback

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Bold- MC

Next morning i got ready because we have a schedule today at Happy Together. I brushed my teeth and changed to my clothes. After a while our manager arrived and we rode our van. I was staring out the window until i suddenly recall the call last night. I felt a little guilty because I suddenly hung up. I wonder what he was gonna say? Damn it now my head is all messed up. Whatever I'll just focus on the show.

"Welcome to Happy Together" the MC yelled "1 2 3 eyes on me Hi we are IZ*ONE" we greeted.  We were talking about a lot of stuff. About how we felt when we were the top 12  and of course the love. " Has any of you dated before?" the MC asks. I was really shocked because All of us were raising our hands. "Y/N have you dated before? " the he asks me " Yes I have" I answered "if you don't mind would you tell us?"

"Of course, so it was when I entered HS. I looked nerdy before so I wasn't popular.  I got bullied a lot before since I was a nerd. He was a year older than me.  He would always help me when I get bullied and you know those cliché things that happen in movies. One day he called me to the field, he said that he liked me. Of course since I liked him too, I immediately said Yes. So our relationship was good and while dating him, ugh this is embarrassing but I became prettier and more popular. Since he was a year older than me he graduated first and went to a new school  but whenever class ends he always comes to take me home.  Then on my Graduation he told me to meet him at the Field. So i went to the field, he was acting weird so i guessed that he wanted to break up with me. Then I told him Ah you're gonna break up with me right? then he nodded his head. So I told him ' It was nice being with you'. And that's it" I told the MC

" What's the reason?" he asked.   "Actually,  I still don't know until now hehe. "  I answered. "WHAT?! " everyone exclaimed and then the room was full of complains about Youngmin.  The day ended and i arrived at home(since we didn't move in our dorm yet) .It was 4pm, as i walked in the house, I saw a familiar figure and it was Woong's eomma. So I greeted her and she said "My dear, Woong hasn't arrived yet. Can you go and fetch him. But if he is still practicing give him this umbrella because it seems like its gonna rain. " " Naee, ah Auntie i forgot what company he is training at can you tell me?" i asked "He's training at Brandnew Music"

Author's Note:
Im sorry! I'm so bad at punctuation marks and grammar

why now? -Im Youngmin x Reader Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora