Chapter 12

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Arjun hurdled the battles being fought within the boundaries of his brain, battles between the past and the present.
Two of the three people in front of him were the previously named infamous Kauravas and one was his own lost brother, Pritha's eldest child.

The protective man quickly peeped at the perplexed pupils of the lady standing few centimetres behind him, the three men hammered nails in the dark brown orbs of Draupadi, she quit Arjun's action of clasping their fingers together and walked to stand right beside her man.

"Agnisuta?" A war waged inside Karan's mind, who was standing straight, dressed in dark shades to make his complexion glow more, his judging eyes shook viewing the two people from the past, his ostensible younger brother and the princess of Panchala.
Karan secluded himself from the present situation to remember the time he got to know about the past, Duryodhan, yes, Duryodhan helped him to recall the past life.

"Draupadi" Samarth's calculative brain listed all the memories of past as thumbnails, a smirk on his long round face revealed a look of his previous life's face but couldn't be noticed by the two lovers standing in front of him. He mentally jerked himself, Drupad was a good friend of his father, Dev, still, Draupadi's name never raised any suspicions? Maybe, because, Samarth got to know about the previous birth only some time ago when he met Bhavya, his Bhanumati!

Suyan now joined the silent observing,

"I need one maid each night, and tonight, I will be taking the Chakravartin Samragyi to my bedroom" Dushasan's evil laughter tired to waver her strong spirit, she gently placed a hand on her nominal baby bump,
"My daughter" a whisper escalated from her mouth,
"I am not your daasi" her boldness trembled the second Gandhari Nandan.
The youngest son of Dev was seen taking deep breaths after having flashes of the known past, he calmed himself by looking at his brother and friend who were smiling wickedly at the two lovers.

"I have heard a lot about you guys from dad, shall I guide you to your rooms?" Draupadi spoke with freshness as always,
Arjun's spine wagged sensing the indifference of the lady, why didn't she feel anything seeing the three?

His clumsy mind seared him as he watched his fingers dangle in the air seeing the three proceed with her.
His mouth couldn't curve much to stop her from going, his thoughts were not able to become audible.


Sameera, the graphic designer of 'Fashion in India' magazine side hugged Draupadi, her magazine's page 3 icon.

"Look, I know we came totally unexpected but we require a photo shoot right now since this is urgent, our next consignment is 'Fashion and entrepreneurs', so we need you on the cover page" Sameera blasted the news,
Draupadi fluttered her eyes in assurance,
"where are the male models?" Her eyes now searched for her photograph partner.

"Guess what?" The former grinned, "We contacted Mr Arjun Kuruvanshi when we came to know that he's here and he agreed to do a photo shoot with you" The excitement in her voice was greeted by frowning of the latter.
The graphic designer stuck to her place seeing the man who had allowed himself to be photographed, she beamed in both glee and fascination, the man was super handsome and he would definitely help her to climb another step of her career ladder since having him on the cover for this theme would be the most  perfect thing.
Arjun winked subtly at the astonished women, one who was awestruck seeing him and the other who was shocked.

The constant plea of the magazine in charge melted Draupadi's stern decision of not being clicked with him, her anxious fingers couldn't settle still, she quickly glanced at his full attire, yes, he was looking just like a Demigod but he had hurt her by the alleged disclosure of his marriage with his ex-girlfriend.
"Oh come on Darling, don't be a spoilsport now, the theme of this month is related to the business world, this could be a masterstroke, imagine two names of the Panchkul and Kuruvanshi, oh my god, imagine, Arjun Kuruvanshi himself" Sameera's exaggerated and enthusiastic words encircled the professional side of the tensed lady's brain.

His hands helped him to cup her body with his, his fingers touching the ends of her waist, his chin politely resting on her shoulder and her hand going rearwards only to skim across his neck,
"All set, look at the camera" Sameera shouted, after complimenting the photogenic couple.
As the cameraman tripped the shutter, the burning fumes of a feeling known heated the beautiful woman, her eyes focused on the lens but her body focused on his touch.

After around 20 classic pictures clicked, Sameera requested the two to maintain the same pose until she crosschecks all the pictures,
Unnoticed by the people around, Draupadi's shoulder warmed up by his tactility, the man prolonged his lips over her shoulder until her sharp whisper troubled him,
"What are you doing? Stop nagging me!"

"Whenever you are so close to me," his breath over her earlobe shivered her spine," I cannot control myself"

"Do you realise the air around us? Moreover, we are not on talking terms" her efforts of pushing him away only made him snake his arms around her waist, tight and secure.

"Don't you like my touch?" He muttered, his head now burrowing in her neck,

"Arjun!" A loud moan trembled out of her mouth,

"Wha..what is happening?" Sameera looked up from her work only to find the two standing at a good distance,

"I need to use the restroom" the conscious woman blabbered, absent-minded, "and I am done for today" fast words streamed out of her mouth as she walked away.


Yash glances once again at the mirror, he needed to look his best, he was going to meet her today, the one who was his queen, previously.
He smelled of a famous perfume, his black clothes complimented his pupil colour, stroking his hair, a happy look was thrashed by him on his face.

"Why are they trying to keep me away from her, from the fire born princess?" His words found no room as his lips curved into a wide smile,

"Devangi is Devika, thanks to her that I now know everything and that's why I demand to meet Panchali," he said to himself.

His impatient footsteps slogged to the engagement venue, his brothers were not in sight, neither were his mother and father, however, the woman he wanted to eagerly meet was clearly detectable.

"Draupadi or Panchali, whoever you may be, I am coming to say a big hello to you"

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