"How do you know about it?" she asked him, and tried to avoid Jon's eyes.
"I know about everything."
Jon was still standing there in silence, and staring his love. He noticed how she put her hand to her belly. He noticed how she reacted to Bran's word.
"Is this true?" he tried to ask, but his words were so quiet. "Dany... is this... true?" he took a deep breath. She still avoided to look at him.
"She is pregnant. She is pregnant with your child, and you are gonna be the end of them if she leaves now." Bran was so calm and so natural. He had no emotions. He just told the truth into their faces, as he was telling a bedtime story. They were both in shock, and after a minute Dany turned her back at them, and left the room in a hurry. Jon looked at Bran, then he just know. He don't have time. He have to go after her, before she leaves. Before she do something.
"Dany!" he tried to stop her with words but she acted like, she did not hear those. "Dany!" when he reached her, just grabbed her arms and pulled her into his arms. He was almost crying too. That was true. She ... she was pregnant, and if he let her go now, maybe he will be the one, who murder his own child and his own love.
"Why you did not tell me?" he held her face in his hand and there was a tear in his eyes too. He couldn't believe it.
"It doesn't matter." she shook her head.
"Yes, Dany. It matters."
"Why?" she shook her head. "You don't want to ..."
"I thought you already left." Sansa appeared next to them. "What about your great war? Or you won't go, just send our armies?"

Jon saw the fury in her eyes, when she turned to Sansa.
"Lady Sansa, I hope you are satisfied." she told her. Her mood totally changed, she was so good to hide her emotions. She clearly never would show to Sansa how vulnerable she is.
"I would be satisfied if you already leave with our army."
"Enough." Jon took a step forward to Sansa. "I trusted you and you betrayed me."
"I wanted to help" she answered defensively.
"How? Telling a secret what our father could kept in a secret for years? Telling it to Tyrion. You have no idea what you caused." Jon was mad and angry. Dany saw it clearly. He was really disappointed in his sister. He was naive enough to trust her. He really did. He just trusted her and he never would imagine she easily tells this to Tyrion or anyone else.
"Jon." now it was Dany, who held his arms, and tried to keep him back. "At least we got to know about it." she tried to be calm.
"You have more rights to rule the kingdom than.:." Sansa continued.
"I don't want it!" Jon yelled "She is our Queen."
"Yours." Sansa stated. "Not mine. You chose her not me."
"And I am the Warden of the North, not you." Jon answered with anger in his face. "She is your Queen too, until you are living in this castle."
Sansa nodded with disgust in her face. She never thought Jon can easily turn against her because of Daenerys.
"We're not done yet Lady Sansa." Dany told her then turned back to Jon "but now we... should talk about many other things."

They left Sansa without a word and Jon lead her to his chamber. He did not want to talk about anything in any public places. He closed the door. Dany sat to the edge of the table and she was still avoided his eyes. Jon went to her and held her hand. Gently caressed it with his finger.
"I was not sure. I was not sure at all. Missandei... convinced me to talk with the Master. But I was still not sure. I ... don't trust your people. They don't love me or trust me either. So why would I believe him. But then... there is something changed. And I still did not want to believe it. Cuz it is impossible right?" A tear fall from her eye. Jon swiped it from her cheek. She placed one of her hand to her belly and Jon followed her move. He placed his hand there too and smiled a bit.
"Maybe it is not." Jon whispered.
"Jon it cannot be..."
"Bran saw it " he swallowed a big and everything what Bran showed him came back to his mind.
"What did he saw exactly?" Dany asked him quietly.
"It doesn't matter. I... all I know exactly from now on. I cannot let it happen."
"Jon. What scared you this much?" She was worried. He stood up and started to walking up and down. Dany just watched him. He turned to her and tried to start. Then hesitated.
"Jon. We don't have time for this. We have to win this war." She stood up "And thank you for worry about me but It is not necessary. We can defeat Cercei but we only can defeat her now. Not later." She started to walk closer to him. He still did not say a word. "I have to go."
"No" he grabbed her arm and pulled her back. "I won't let you go."
She looked down to her arm. How he squeezed it then raised her eyes to him and pulled her arms from his hands.
"I am your Queen. Do not forget that." She told him with anger on her face then she was ready to go.
"Daenerys." He almost begged her. "Bran saw it. If you go now... there will be consequences. Irreversible consequences. You heard it too."
She turned to him and analyzing his face.
"Bran saw ... I saw ... he showed me how I put a dagger into your heart." His voice was trembling "if you go now I... will be the one who kill you and I ... " he stepped to her but she took a step back. She was staring him now with fear in her eyes.
"I would never." Jon tried to convince her. "I would never ... do that Dany. I could never hurt you."
She just shook her head and couldn't take her eyes off of him. Anytime he took a step closer she did the same backwards.
"Dany. I couldn't live with this thought. I could never hurt you. Neither my child."
"In his vision. Why ... why did you do this?" She tried to understand.
"It doesn't matter. It will never happen if you..."
"Why?" She wanted her answer. She yelled with him.
"Because you killed many thousands of innocents in King's Landing with dragonfire and you wanted to do this with all Westeros." He sighed and told her the truth finally. She was in shock and she just needed air. She needed to be alone. She turned to the door, opened it and almost ran away from him.

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