He sat back in his chair he didn't have a single meeting today usually stuff like that can set him straight ,be it only for that time in the meeting, but still that's some kinda relief it holds his attention long enough that he doesn't feel sorry for himself

3 days knowing how horrible he's been she's actually pregnant and he's treated her like a lying skank that's not so easily forgiven understandable he's giving her space and time but... isn't 3 days enough? Set that 3 days aside and it's been 2 months he knows she's not to sulk for that long not that he expects forgiveness but maybe at least a word or 2 so he can plead and apologize

His phone rang and he bolted straight up in his seat it was Doctor Evans Harry answered "hello?"

"What are you doing Harry? For the love of Christ"

Harry went wide eyed "I'm-I'm at work?" He said confusion clear in his tone of voice

"Why are you at work right now?" Evans however was clearly very angry

"Why... not?" Harry furrowed his eyebrows

"I never thought I'd say this really but, you dumb son of a bitch!" Harry jumped in his chair and pulled his phone away from his ear rechecking the caller ID to make sure it did in fact read Doctor Evans he put it back to his ear

"I'm sorry?!" Harry asked bewildered

"Guess who just called me?" Evans gritted his teeth "that lovely little lady you broke up with THE PREGNANT ONE!"

So Harry might have told him he'd talked to Alexis ,Evans actually believed him to, Harry did try that's not a lie but he was too scared to try and just show up at Alexis's place he's more than sure she'd just leave him at her door step

"Y-Yeah?" Harry put his hand to his mouth nibbling on the skin of one of his fingers ,a terrible nervous habit only made worse by recent stress

"She said you haven't talked..." he paused for a moment "you drop whatever you're doing right this very moment and go to her place do you understand me son?"

Harry stood up "yes sir" he rounded his desk swiftly suddenly very light on his feet "is something wrong?"

"Something will be if I find out you aren't at her house within the hour" Evans growled

"I'm walking out the door now" Harry said as he closed his office door Evans hung up still fuming Harry didn't know what was going on but he knew he fucked up... again

:.: :.: :.: :.: :.: :.: :.:

Jennifer clapped her hands together looking at her masterpiece all the shades of blue everywhere that fit coherently blue punch, blue cupcakes, blue cake, a blue banner that read Baby Michael, blue streamers hanging

The pile of presents was sizable considering there were only 10 people here ,including themselves and Travis

"Is this everyone?" Miranda asked

"I think so" Mindy nodded counting the people

"Should I go get her?" Travis asked

"Yeah go head" Jennifer waved him off

There was a knock Mindy ran over and opened it "oh just in time you almost missed her coming out to see everything!" Mindy grabbed his arm pulling him in not knowing who he was

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