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"What did you mean

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"What did you mean.... you owe him a nightmare!?!"  Juice asks Muerte "it isn't time for that Juan!"  she replies softly his eyes widen and he asks "does your father know!?!"  she replies "he will....!"  seeing the look on his face she adds "don't push it Juice!"  his eyes widen even more and he nods with a worried frightened expression on his face.... the next day Muerte walks out of the club with Bobby, Jax, Juice and Chibs with Demon at her heels "the ten grand we sent Serg's guy in Vancouver? it's gone guess mercenaries aren't real big on refunds"  Bobby says as he walks to the picnic table where Clay, Opie and Tig were Opie stands up in a huff as Chibs adds "and the money we made on the riods was in the bag the Mexican's took from idiot"  Opie throws his cup of coffee onto the ground in anger Muerte who was now sitting on Juice's lap with Demon laying at their feet pulls out a wad of cash from her back pocket "you mean this money!?!.... and you know that I'M the one who has to clean that up right!?!"  she tosses the cash on the table as Opie chuckles Muerte turns her body around and straddles herself on Juice's lap then asks playfully with a tilt of her head and a soft alluring smile as she places her arms on his shoulders  "what did you think my back pocket was just really happy to see you!?!.... this is why you never hand a woman a bag.... we like to snoop!"  Juice chuckles as she kisses his lips then she looks at Opie and says "oh and by the way Ope I'm suppose to show you this"  she hands a picture of Vida and the fully custom painted Pan Head Opie takes it and says "damn you did all that!?!"  she nods with a smile then says with a playful tone "well the outfits her own but the paint job.... yeah!.... and be grateful Quinn's not here to hear you speak of his wife like that!"  he chuckles "it isn't gonna be enough.... we have a very expensive excursion in front of us"  Bobby says "what about the other drugs?"  Jax asks "no street value black market scripts we need a way into the clinics"  Juice answers "when we blow off that bail hearing this afternoon we're underground it's gonna be a little hard to earn you think maybe Tara can help us move those scripts?"  Clay asks Jax "that's not gonna happen"  Jax says "I don't see any other way Jax"  Tig replies "I said no"  Jax says Tig nods "she's your old lady...."  Clay points out "I don't care!"  Jax shouts "hey where we at with the Mayans?"  Opie asks changing the subject "based on that delivery schedule that dope shipment's set to leave for Stockton today at 1:00"  Tig answers "now that route from Lodi to Stockton is all main roads and highways no place off the grid to take it down"  Piney says "then let's get creative they're trying to stay under the radar right? means there won't be too many bodies"  Jax says "what time is the meet set with Alvarez?"  Clay asks "3:00 I left word for him at his warehouse hoping he'll show"  Tig answers "we snatch up his heroin he'll show we got a vote to get out"  Clay replies standing up Muerte stands up and moves so Juice could stand up "hey what's up Chibby"  Kozik says as he walks over Demon growls lowly at him "got my transfer letter"  he says handing the letter over to Clay "oh good"  Clay says taking it Muerte backs away as Kozik walks up to Juice giving him a high five and looks away as he looks over at her Demon growls even more fiercely at him and Kozik forces a smile "all right we got the prospects and Happy inside let's get it done"  Clay says Juice looks over at Muerte and takes her hand and they head inside with Demon at their heels.... Muerte chatted with the newest Prospect-to-be Filthy Phil as he and the other two wait to hear the verdict of their patching in "when you get patched over make sure you come find me and I'll do your Reaper for you ok!?"  Muerte says the other two patches look at her with excitable hunger in their eyes as Phil says with a soft surprised tone "sure!"  she smiles at him ignoring the other two creeps then the guys get called in and Muerte lets Chucky know that she was going to take a shower "all of the sudden I feel really gross!"  she mutters Chucky nods with a confused look on his face as he watches her walk into on of the empty apartments....

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