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(Opening shot:A Shadow Kaijin destroys the city at night,he made tweaks on his attacks)

Shadow Kaijin:Once I've drained the energy from barrels of oil,I will flood the city in no time.

(the cable went loose with Hiromu's Ichigan Buster)

Shadow Kaijin:Huh?

(The Kaijin finds five Toqgers who are ready to fight him)

Right:Stop right there,Shadow Kaijin!

Shadow Kaijin:Toqgers?! I didn't expect u here?!

Right:Your time is over (Pan to Hiromu)

Hiromu:Next time if u want to steal something,u might want to pick your target from our train,which will not happen.

Shadow Kaijin:Oh,well,um...(took a blast making the Toqgers scatter in Directions)

Ryuuji:That sounds like a good light show but how about a punch.(uses his gorilla strength to punch the ground to defeat the Kaijin)

(The Kaijin hurls back and hits Ryuuji,then Kagura moves her super girl strength but the Kaijin blocked it then its Mio's turn,using her Signal Hammer to hit him but wounds her to the ground then its Right,using his Rail Slasher to hit him but he budged it and hit Right)

Shadow Kaijin:You can't defeat me,no one will.

Hiromu:Yeah,think again.(shoots and hit the Kaijin and did the finisher on him)

(After that,the Kaijin explodes in defeat)

Right:Yosha,The fighting's over and its almost midnight,time for donuts!

(Kagura,Mio and Ryuuji agrees but Hiromu walks back to the Ressha)

Hiromu:I'll see u back at the Ressha.


Kagura:U don't want to eat donuts with us?

Hiromu:No,I just want to go home until tomorrow comes.(takes off)

Mio:What's special about tomorrow?

(In the Shadow Train,Saturakura,Furabijo and Wendinu waits for hours until Akumaro returns)

Saturakura:Oh,Akumaro sama! You're back.(hugs Akumaro)

Akumaro:I don't need for hugs.

Saturakura:Oh,sorry,but I'm so happy to see u.

Wendinu:Yeah,us too

Furabijo:Yeah,we haven't seen u for a very long time.

Akumaro:(nods his head)

Saturakura:So,are u gonna fight with Toq 1 gou again?

Akumaro:No,I have a bigger plan than that.The day has begun and it begins now...

Ressha Sentai Toqger 2:Birthmark (Transcript)Where stories live. Discover now