Chapter 1

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A gray wolf sprinted through the tall pines. Her fur snagged and branches and twigs, but she couldn't care less. Her chest heaved and she could barely get a good breathe in.

"Moon! Come back here now! You cant run forever!" Moon heard the call from the trees. She didn't slow her stride. There was no way she could go back. Not after what he did.

Through tears, Moon yelped as the pawsteps of her pursuer drew closer.

Suddenly the pawsteps stopped, and wing flaps took their place.

"Go away! I don't ever want to go near you! Leave me alone!" Her tears blurred her vision, and she tripped over a fallen log.

Moon fell face first into the dirt, and fell into a valley shadowed by bushes. Her eyes darted for anywhere to hide. She dove into a a rabbits burrow, having just enough room to crawl.

The wing flaps slowed and stopped. Pawsteps echoing on the pine needle covered dirt.

Moon tried to calm her breathe as more tears streamed down her fur.

Moon held her breathe as the pawsteps thudded past her.

"Moon! You can't run from me. Your parents couldn't, so how could you?"

Moon gasped quietly, her fur cold and damp.

The other wolf started again.

"And they could fly, but yet they still were killed so easily. But you're just a defenseless pup with broken little wings!"

Moon bit her tongue, forcing whatever words she was wanting to say disappear. She clenched her eyes shut, finding it unbearable to look at the dirt walls of the burrow.

"I'm not here to kill you y'know."

Moon could here the bigger wolf walk right on top of the dirt she was hiding in. She desperately wished her ears could drown out all the noise. She focused on her breath, only now noticing the pain in her paws.

"Where did you go? My sweet little Moon." The bigger wolf cooed in a sickly sweet voice, making Moon nauseous.

"You shine brighter than all the stars, why don't you come out and we can play!" His sickly sweet voice hissed through the small burrow.

"C'mon! Come play with Ol' Talon! We used to play all the time when we were younger." The whine in Talons voice was twisted. He seemed so innocent, but his paws were stained with the blood of Moons kin.

Moon cursed his name silently. As the adrenaline started to fade, she felt her limbs ache.

"Fine then! I'll come back for you later. I'm sure you'll feel a bit better then. I mean seriously, it's just your parents." His paw steps faded away and the tension started to drift off.

Moon opened her eyes, the light of day was fading fast. Her body trembled with anger and hurt with his last lingering words.

She slowly crawled and peeked her head out of the hole, looking for any sign of Talon. Seeing the coast was clear, she darted out and into the cover of a bush.

She swiftly weaved in between the trees, making sure to make as little noise as possible.

Her limbs ached and she didn't think she could move any more, but the fear of Talan coming back forced her to keep going. There was no way she was going to be his mate.

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