Can we stop and rewind?

Start from the beginning

I don't waste any time and run upstairs. At the end, the same metal door opens and I go inside. For a little time, I see nothing than pure white, but I continue to walk foreward. 

After some time, the white light fades away and I finally see the mystery behind this door. Not an exit...something way more creepy. A lot of screens, and when I say a lot, I mean A LOT. And all of them are showing my videos, every single one of them shows me...why? Why me? 

"You took longer than we thought..."  a voice echoes through the room. But it sounds familiar...TOO familiar...I've heard this voice so many own voice...

"You finally get it Nathan! Bravo!" the voice appears behind me. I immediately turn around and look at myself. Or more like, my older SELFS. There are standing 4 replicas of me. All of them are not wearing any Make-Up.

The left one has bruises and wounds everywhere and his jeans and shirt ripped. Next to him, is standing one, wearing a red shirt and a black vest over it, black shoes and yeans, holding a can. The right one is wearing all black, also when he hasn't any Make-Up, I see little signs of blue streaks that run down his cheeks. But the middle one scares me the most...because he looks exactly like I looked some years ago. He even wears my glasses and has much less tattoos.

"W-Who are you?" I slowly step back as they all look at me with a look that is a mixture of anger, sadness and worriedness.

"We are you, Nathan. We are your past." the middle one steps foreward and raises both of his arms.

"W-Wait, I get why you are my past. You look like me, only younger. But why are this dudes my past? I never weared any of this suits!" I step back faster and bump into the wall of the screens. I'm trapped!

"You did, Nathan. You just don't remember it. Because he erased your memory." the one with the blue streaks steps foreward.

"W-what?! Who is he?! What are you even trying to say with that?!" I slowly start to panic as all of them step closer.

"NateMare, the demon that was inside of you, before you came into the hospital. He erased your memory." the one with the red shirt, raises his can and taps with the top of the can against my chest.

"He firstly, took over you, than used you to trap one of your friends, and then, after you beat him, he beat you so heavily, so that you forget everything you saw." he removes the top of the can of my chest and raises one eyebrow.

"But, how do you know all this stuff?" all of them sigh together.

"Because they were created during this period of time. The one with can, was your first appeareance as him. The one with the blue streaks was your second appereance and the beaten up one, was your appereance after he beat you. All of them, including me, are your past. You just don't remember nothing." the middle one explains. I'm can all of them, be me? How much did I forget?

"Wait, how do I know, that this is real, huh? This could also be a nightmare!" all of them raise one eyebrow.

"Why don't you ask, your precious friends? I'm sure that they will tell you the answers." the one with blue streaks hisses and his expression seems to get angrier.

"They have done nothing! They are my friends!" I just can't understand why I should talk with them? They have done nothing, they didn't knew where I am.

"Are they really your friends? Did they ever speak with you about the last days before you were brought into the hospital?"


"You see. Nathan, don't be dumb! You can see that they have something to do with this! Don't act, like you don't see it! It's obvious!" the beaten up one yells at me, with full rage.

Before I can say something, a loud alarm starts to echo through the room.

"Shit, we need to send him back! Hurry, give my the syringe!" the middle one yells at the with the can. The other two come to me and pin me against the screen wall. Unable to move, no matter how much I struggle, I don't move not a single meter.

"WAIT! WHAT ARE DOING TO ME?!" all of them look at me with sinister looks.

"This won't hurt, Nathan! It will just end your nightmare! So stay still!" the one with can, grabs my hair and drags it to the side. Then I feel a short prick and my entire vision goes black.

Nate immediately jolts up. In the first moments he can't even see, where he is, but after some seconds, his vision gets clearer. He's still in his room and on his bed. He immediately falls back on the bed and runs with his hand through his hair. He takes deep breaths to calm himself down.

"This was all just nightmare, all just a nightmare." he whispers to himself, knowing that this can't be just a silly nightmare. This felt way too real! Now he knows what he has to do. He needs to find out the truth. 

What happened before he was brought into the hospital?

Music Videos can have a deeper meaning, you know? (NateWantToBattle story)Where stories live. Discover now