Curiosity 🤔

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Im Anastasia Steele and I want to negotiate with Christian Grey. I accept all his rules and policy about BDSM Lifestyle and I promise that I never discuss to someone else of what is happening to us and about BDSM life

Well thats the first contract I signed in Fifty Shades of Grey Its been a long time ago since I wrote story about Christian and I

the last part was we have a 2 children and we live happily ever after,. Well thats the wrong story you've been known. Being a mother of 2 is not easy and having a Hot husband is such a Trigger for me, Christians getting back to his old hubby which is a Sexual addictive and being a dominant or sadist. He become weird and he always arrive at the house late. Id become suspicious about his behavior,

Christian arrive at house


Christian: Hi wifey, hows your day? (kiss)

Anastasia: Im so tired, our babies cried out the whole day. I think they want you to take care of them.

Christian: Im sorry I had a busy day. I cant stay here for long, you know I have to work for our family. ( smile and kissed ana)

Anastasia: Really? Is that work meant to be work at late night? Or unless you have another business that I dont know?

(Christian walk to the kitchen to get some water and drink it)

Christian: what are you talking about Ana? Im just working for our family, this I am before you met me,I love to work and make more money specially now that I have my own family to take care.

Anastasia: Okay. Im sorry, I,im just curios or maybe I just miss you. (hug Christian)


I woke up without my husband by my side, of course he left again so early.

(Anas thought)

Why's Christian always leave so early and coming home late night? Maybe he's hiding something.. I need to know it.

So I call his secretary and ask if Christian is in the company, but she answered me no. Christian leave at his company at 9:30am.

So I call Christian..

Where are you?

Christian: I'm.... Oh by the way babe how's our kids?

You're not answering my question?! Christian why this past Few days you come home late? And leave so early? Do i something need to know?

Christian: I'm sorry babe, i have something to do . I call you back later. Love you.

Hey you're not... Damn it! He already ended the call.

Christian POV
shit what did I do!! I should not go back to my usual way. I'm a father now. Damn Christian! I love my wife so much and my kids. as i rubb my hands to my face.

Alexa: Hey Christian, you want more? I'm still on. ;) (saying seductively)

Christian: I have to go. This is wrong we should not do this. You know i have family right? You better Leave me, or else ana will found it and she will probably kill you.

Alexa: And i will tell her that you're the one who started to Flirt me. And you want to go back at your old BDSM lifestyle and have a submissive again?

Fuck! Don't you dare to do that!
Yes, i meet Alexa again my former submissive way back in 2008. Oh yes she's still the same and single. But i don't have feelings for her. I love my wife so much...

Fifty Shades of Love as told by AnastasiaWhere stories live. Discover now