A closer look at episode 41

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All is mostly calm in the fandom so I can enjoy my favorite show in a semblance of peace.

It's a joy to have Ayse back. All the parallels and all the original longing is back in full force. And if you have not done so already do yourself the favor and find the fandoms translation of the parts of Sanem's book we get glimpse of in the show. Whomever wrote those pages are a genius. I need for them to write a book we can read and cherish.

This is not going to be a long rant, because I'm so mellow right now.


Second week in a row where he did not annoy the crap out of me.

One scene I would like to lead your attention towards is the scene he shares with Deniz where she tells him she thinks he is the most attractive for all the guys. Muzo left to marry Güliz and came back divorced within a year. He thinks that Deniz is making fun of him and that broke me just a tiny bit. Muzo is not the most self-aware man in the world and his own opinion of himself was always very high. I'm not a Muzo fan but I can't help feeling sorry for him.


I don't know what to think about her. She is an enigma so far and I will reserve judgement until further notice.


Well if he is intended for Deren I'm all in. He seems like a no nonsense, tell it like it is kind of guy, but again I'm not ready to let him in just yet.


CeyCey is a hardcore CanEm stan and he knows Yiğit is not right and he will do anything to help Can and Sanem to find their way home and he really enjoys messing with Yiğit in the meantime. I loved he kicking Yiğit's cane in front of everybody.

Another gold nugget was him running back to Huma when they all ran over to the burning hut. I'm not sure why CeyCey has clapped on to Huma as a mother figure but it's kind of fun.


Ah the newest member of the CanEm Stanteam. Now that Mihriban is back in his life he has an opportunity to lead by example. He and Mihriban are Can and Sanem separated not only by one year but by 20 + years. Aziz is now a lot wiser and he is waiting for nobody.

I love what we have seen of Aziz so far, and ok I'm biased against Huma, but I lean towards believing Aziz when he tells the boys about Mihriban and Huma.


I said I would not let someone new in without proving their worth first, but Mihriban seem genuine and as a well-balanced, caring person.


She got a lot to be hold accountable for. If we are to believe Aziz then she knew what she did marring Aziz. I can understand that it hurts when the one you love are stuck in the past, but she got no one to blame but herself.

It puzzles me that Huma seems to think that she should have any say in Can's life and more than that in Aziz's life as well. She was out of their life for 20+ years. Why should either listen to her at this point.

Huma still seem to have not trace of a conscience or feel any guilt for what she has put her son through.


I'm so over my good feelings towards him.

He has turned into a possessive, controlling and delusional man with no remorse.

The last straw was burning down Can's temporary home.

One thing I can't understand, is how Yiğit can spend days with Sanem, when he is building a new company at the same time.


Nihat is working overtime being the protective dad, I get it regarding Sanem, it must have been horrible seeing his daughter fall apart, but I don't understand it regarding Emre. Yes, Emre eloped with Leyla, but it has been a year, they live in the same house. He should have figured out who Emre is and how much Emre loves Leyla by now.


Mevkibe is to much right now. Again, I understand her instinct to protect her daughters, but Huma seems to be rubbing off on her at this point.

She needs to trust that her daughters and after living with Emre for months she just has to let it go already.


Living with her parents is not helping her new marriage and Leyla needs to figure out whom she belongs to from this time forward.

What I got from 41 is that she is working, and I guess, still at Yiğit's company.


My Emre has turned into a diplomat and peacemaker, he has indeed grown up.

Life this past year must have sucked, he lost his job, the company, his home, and the space to love his new wife away from his in-laws disapproving eyes.

I can't imagine having to live with your in-laws that makes no secret of them not trusting you or thinking you are right for their girl. Having to go between your own horrible mom and your MIL. Having to lie about your job and business. And worst of all not being able to spend alone time with the woman of your dreams even if she is now your wife.

Once again, he talked Can out of going into a confrontation.


Can made a choice in 40 not to leave after reading that one part of Sanem's book. He is not ready to admit as much to Sanem, but he is there for her. The knowledge that the love of his live ended up in a clinic after he left has affected him greatly. Now he needs to find a way to prove that Yiğit indeed did put Samen's notebook into the fire on that faithful day.

We learn a bit more about Can's year in exile. He has not touched his camera in the year that has passed. Since taking pictures are a huge part of Can's persona, we now know how much this last separation has impacted him as well. After 40 I did not give enough credit for grieving like Sanem had. I stand corrected and I grieve for him.

I love the careful way he slowly moves closer to Sanem, and how obvious it is that these two are not complete without each other.

We got to see how happy he got when she did not get up and leave after he joined her at the pier. And we got to see them taking the first tiny steps towards a open and honest conversation about all the things they need to talk about before they can truly find their way back home.


It's good to see that Sanem's anxiety has notably lessened after Can returned and the smile on her face when she discovered that Can did not leave, even if she thinks that Can is only there because of boat trouble she heals in his present.

We see glimpse of the old Sanem, when she forgets to be guarded and just reacts to Can. Even her inner voice is back even if she forgot all about it in the passing year.

We got to see her inspiration hit her after seeing Can going by on his way to the hut. And she did not lose her urge to care for him, bringing him some of Mevkibe's dolmas she knows he loves so much.

Sanem is still fighting against her love for Can, but the fire at the hut and seeing him walk straight into the inferno served as her wakeup call.

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