Chapter 15: Together

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*Emma's POV*

I woke up with the sunlight hitting my face. After the "scene" last night, Andrew didn't let me go home since it was really dark already. He offered me to stay the night in his guest room.

I stood up and fixed the bed. I then went to the bathroom, since my things aren't really here I didn't get to do most of my daily morning routine. I don't have extra clothing so Im practically wearing the same outfit.

I am looking at myself in the mirror and everything that happened last just came back which made form a smile.

It feels really great to know that Andrew and I and are together. That he is mine and I am his. I won't hurt him ever and I hope he does the same for me.

After that, I fixed myself and went outside. I figured my way out of Andrew's hallway and into the kitchen.

As I made my way to the kitchen, the sweet smell of food lingered in my nose. I saw Andrew cooking something and I just stared at his back.

He probably noticed my presence since he turned around and flashed a smile at me.

"Hey there beautiful" He told me as I was walking towards him.

"Hey good morning" I replied as he gave me a warm hug.

"You slept well?" He asked me while he continued cooking and his other hand was on my waist.

"Yup!" I replied.

"Those pancakes smell so good" I added.

"The taste is better Em" He said.

"I bet it is Garfy". I told him.

Andrew continued cooking while I prepared the table. After he finished, I helped him put it on the table. We then started to eat.

"This is so good Garfy!!!" I told him. His cooking was indeed good.

"Haha thanks Em. You cook for me too next time " He told me.

"Don't worry I will" I told him.

"Uhm Em, I don't want to be rude but we gotta hurry up. Were gonna be late for our shooting. I just received a text from Marc" He told me and with that I ate breakfast faster but then I remembered something.

"Uhm Andrew, I have nothing to wear. I can't wear the same clothes to the set and I know we can't drive back to my house since were gonna be late". I told him. People might think Im such a pig for being so dirty and all. Im fine with a shirt as long as I change what Im wearing.

Andrew stood up ran to his room. Probably he was gonna get something. When he came back he handed me a white shirt with a certain print on it.

"Here you can wear this. It doesn't really fit me but it's still gonna be quite big on you. But it'll probably look good on you since anything you wear suits you " He told me and then he flashed a smile.

I took the shirt and said thank you. I went back to the guest room and wore the shirt. It was quite big so I had to fold it's sleeves and tucked in the shirt into my shorts.

It didn't really look bad at all. So I grabbed my phone and wallet and headed out the room.

I got in Andrew's car and we directly drove to the set.

When we got there, Andrew opened the door for me and then he held my hand on the way to the location where our scenes were supposed to be filmed.

We saw Marc talking to some of the crew. Andrew was still holding my hand and it didnt really bothered me at all. We greeted Marc and I noticed after he greeted us back he stared at our hands and then to what Im wearing. He gave us a suspicious yet joyful look.

"Are you??. . " Marc asked us but Andrew just cut him off immediately.

"Yeah we are." Andrew said before he raised our hands with our fingers across each other.

Marc gave us a look of excitement and happiness and we just laughed and told him how everything happened.

Since were here to work we had to be professional so we eventually needed to stop what we were doing and went back to work.

Filming went on and on the whole day. Marc then finally gave us a 30 minute break while they prepare the set outside.I then received a text from Andrew

From: Garfy

Hey! 30 minute break. Wanna hang out??

To: Garfy

Yeah sure! Where you at?

From: Garfy

Come up the rooftop.

To: Garfy

The rooftop???! You sure?

From: Garfy

Yeah of course I am. Come on honey. Pretty pleaaase!!!

To: Garfy

Okay okay okay haha. Ill be there in a jiff

After I sent the text I stood up from the chair I was sitting on and walked to go to the rooftop. When I got to the rooftop, I was surprised with the beautiful and great aura there.

It was a bright and sunny day. The breeze was really cool. And I enjoyed the wind blowing into my hair.

I looked around to look for Andrew but sadly I couldn't seem to find him. I was about to reach out for my phone and text. him when somebody covered my eyes.

"Guess who???" I was asked. I knew it was Andrew.

"Andreew, cut it out haha" I told him.

He took off his hands from my eyes and turned me around. He then hugged me and pulled me closer to him.

"Hey there" He said looking into my eyes.

"Hey! " I said and then chuckled.

I let go of me and lead me to the edge of the rooftop. He showed me the beautiful scenery that can be seen from here.

As I was appreciating the view, Andrew suddenly went behind me and tickled me in the waist. I screeched and laughed so hard. When I was able to escape, I ran as fast as I could but Andrew was eventually faster. He caught me again and carried me from the back and spun me around.

After we were done we just stood there looking at each other.

"You are so beautiful" Andrew told me. I chuckled as a reply.

He reached for his phone in his pocket.

"We need to capture this moment" Andrew said while he started to put the camera in front of us.

He pulled me close and held my waist. Before he could even click the camera, I kissed him in the cheek and it got captured. Andrew and I laughed looking at the picture.

In the middle of our fun, we heard Marc using his megaphone.

"HEY YOU LOVE BIRDS OVER THERE, GET A ROOM! HAHA! STOP THE PDA, WE'RE ABOUT THE FILM " Marc said. Everybody just said awe and the both of us just shook our heads and laughed. We went back down and started filming again.





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