A guest at the table

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Marinette is sitting at the kitchen table. she feels Tikki's whiskers tickling her neck. "Do you know who I saw in the supermarket this afternoon?" Her mother asks. "adrien."
marinette is startled. "what a nice boy! he was always such a small cute toddler, but when did he become handsome. He'll be eating with us tonight." WHAT?! why is adrien coming? At her place?
"You are in his class, and you never invite friends yourself." Marinette sits stiffed in her chair.
marinette sees her gray jogging pants in the glass window. her hair is in a ball on her head. "Couldn't you say that sooner? I look horrible!"
"beauty is on the inside"
Then someone bangs on the door. "That will be him. Your father has to make the doorbell, it has been broken for 2 months." her mother leaves the table and walks to the front door. Marinette takes tikki outside. "go play outside, I'll get you back later"

Marinette puts a pancake on her plate and draws a heart with syrup on it. she puts her chin in her hands and looks dreamily at adrien. adrien looks at the heart and smiles at marinette. she looks shyly at the heart and then at adrien. he is still looking at her. she smiles back. "And adrien, does your mother still work at the university?" Sabine asks. "she just started a new investigation. something with love and the brain. I don't understand much," Adrien says. "and what kind of work do you do?" asks adrien. "I work in the bakery with Tom" Adrien pokes his fork in a piece of pancake. "Did you know that Marinette had a crush on you when you were younger?" her father quietly chews a piece of pancake. "Mom can you give me the syrup!?"
Her mom passes the syrup. How could she say that to him!
Marinette stares at adrien. she must lure him into her room before her mother starts to say other embarrassing things. "adrien can you help me with maths?" she said it! Now al she had to do is to stay calm and and don't become bright red, doing homework together is very normal. adrien looks at marinette in surprise. "Yes of course." marinette stuffs the last piece of pancake in her mouth. "let's go to my room, it's already 8 p.m."

after dinner marinette races through her room. she straightens her bed, shakes the pillows and puts them in a row. she grabbed a lighter from her desk and lit the candles on her nightstand. then someone knocks on the door. for a moment she looks in the mirror and fiddles with her bangs. "Come in." adrien pushes the door open and enters her room. "nice room" "kind of childish?"
"not at all, just fun, with those cushions and candles and such ..."

It was a bit strange that she was suddenly alone here with Adrien. he plops down on her bed and puts a pillow behind his back. "we don't have any homework for math at all"
"no, but .." marette stutters.
"You wanted to lure me into your room?" adrien is smiling. marinette grabs a pillow and slaps adrien on his head. Adrien crawls across the bed to Marinette and pulls her onto the bed. he takes her hands and holds them with one hand above her head. he tickles her with his other hand. "stop!" marinette screams. she jerks her hands loose, grabs a pillow and gives Adrien another slap. then she crawls against adrien. She feels his warm arm glowing right through her sweater. adrien takes marinette's hand and puts his head against her shoulder. he gently plays with her fingers. "can your read my hand?" marinette asks. "indeed, I am super good at. let's see." adrien draws a heart on her hand with his index finger.

she stares at the heart on her hand. "sorry for my mother, she is always like that." "She's fun right?" Adrien laughs. " i wouldn't be here without your mother." marinette shoves her hand under his nose. "well what do you see?"
"See that line? That says that you're terribly in love with a very handsome, smart, funny, muscular, wildly attractive boy from your class who is super good in physics." "Nooo, don't be silly" marinette shoves her face into adrien's neck and hides her bright red cheeks. "You're not hiding, are you?" adrien is smiling. marinette crawls closer to adrien and gently puts her hands on his leg.

Adrien puts an arm around her.  together they listen to the raindrops.  then she jumps up.  "Tikki is still outside!"  Marinette gets off the bed.  adrien pulls on her sweater.  "Cant it hide somewhere?"  "it's raining hard, she'll gets sick. I really have to get her." She opens her balcony window and climbs outside.

there is a large pool of water on the balcony.  where is tikki? she sees 2 wet legs coming from under the chair.  "tikki!"  she lifts the cat and pushes her tightly against  chest.  while she climbs back inside she gives her a kiss.  "poor cat" she takes a towel from her bathroom and wraps it around tikki.  They sit together on her bed.  then she hears a loud yell from below.  "goal" she hears her father screaming.  "now it's 1-1, exciting!"  that is Adrien's voice.  marinette feels her heart break.  damn it, he's just watching football.  why didn't he just wait here?  it was so cozy.  or did she imagine that?  again she hears adrien screaming.  she leans forward and gives tikki a kiss.

Poor Marinette, and poor tikki.
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- meike 🐱🐞


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